Copper Horse

Vodka “Copper Horse” belongs to the premium category. The brand was introduced to the consumer at the end of 2017 and belongs to the largest alcohol company BELUGA GROUP. The novelty got its name in connection with the original method of production. The product passes through copper columns and enters the finishing vats, where it is aged for three days. Thanks to this technology, the drink is purified from harmful impurities and acquires a noble taste.

Historical reference. The Copper Horse is produced by the ALVIZ enterprise located in Arkhangelsk. The plant was founded in 1898 and was originally a state-owned wine warehouse. The year of birth of ALVIZ is considered to be 1901, when the first batch of strong alcohol was produced. The plant’s products were in demand at all times – even in difficult years, production did not stop. The company carried out a major modernization in 2014, after which it significantly expanded the range of premium products.

Recipe Secrets

The quality of a native Russian drink depends on many things: not only raw materials are important, but also technology. If there is no natural source nearby, ordinary tap water is used. A multi-stage filtration system allows you to get a distillate. Such a liquid has a significant drawback – it has no taste. At the plant, they got out of the situation in an original way: mineral compounds are added to the distillate, which bring its composition closer to natural spring water.

“Copper Horse” is made on the basis of alcohol of the “Lux” category. This type of raw material is obtained exclusively from grain ingredients without the addition of chemical compounds. Alcohol is mixed with water using compressed air. Further, the mixture under pressure enters the coal columns, where it passes the first stage of purification.

The most important process takes place in copper vats, where the product is aged. The strength of the drink is adjusted to 40 degrees, while adding components to improve the taste. Honey and infusions of oatmeal, rye crackers and clover are added to the composition of the Copper Horse. It is these ingredients that give the drink a characteristic bready aftertaste.

Before entering the bottling shop, vodka goes through nine stages of purification, one of which is called Silver Filtration. This is a unique development of the domestic company “Technofilter”. A thin layer of silver is applied to the purified coal, thereby increasing its sorption capacity. Coconut shells are used to make filters because of their hardness and low ash content. Such a purification system gives vodka a special transparency and brilliance.

Copper Horse

Bottle decoration

The product is bottled in containers of 0,5 and 0,7 liters. The bottle of the “Copper Horse” has a special curved shape that tapers towards the bottom. The label depicts a horse harnessed to a wagon. An additional sticker indicates the manufacturing technology. For drawings and inscriptions, a special embossing is characteristic, which allows you to distinguish the original product from the counterfeit.

Interesting Facts

  1. The tradition of using copper in the technology of making vodka in Russia dates back more than one century. It was through the copper columns that the old “bread wine” passed before getting into the taverns.
  2. The age of the finishing vats of the plant is more than a hundred years. The equipment has been preserved since the time when the first minister of the Russian Empire, S. Yu. Witte, issued an order to establish the enterprise.
  3. One of the subdivisions of ALVIZ is its own accredited laboratory. Finished products are controlled by 22 indicators before they reach the store shelves.

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