Stress. This word is close to us as well as a dream, only it allows us to forget for a while. However, you can learn to stay awake in a good mood. To do this, has chosen seven of the most effective ways to forget about stress. I also learned how to behave in case of outbursts of anger and what should never be done.
Reprimands at work, squabbles in public transport, mutual misunderstandings with a loved one and relatives … There are enough reasons to go crazy in our life. But what does not kill us will make us stronger, said the great philosopher Nietzsche. Indeed, someone will get a heart attack from stress, while others will only temper their character. And our goal is to find a way to join the latter.
Get away from stress
The main thing is to understand the nature of stress. For example, to realize that it is not the events around us that are destroying, but how we ourselves react to them. Correctly interpreting what happened and discarding unnecessary experiences in time is a whole science. But it can be learned.
The most dangerous condition is an outburst of anger. At such a moment, our brain literally “boils”, and we, disconnected from reality, begin to do stupid things: we throw ourselves with words or plates (which we later regret), write applications for dismissal (which, of course, we also regret), kick our beloved away ( after which we cry for weeks). How to avoid rash actions?
A famous Indian astrologer and, of course, an excellent psychologist, Dr. Rao once said: “If you feel that you are furious, run!” Literally. The doctor advised at the climax of the quarrel, for example, to hide in the bathroom or on the balcony. It doesn’t matter where, the main thing is to move away from the stimulus. And let a loved one or colleagues be surprised at such an attack, it’s still better than if they feel the full power of your rage. Having caught your breath, you will quickly restore connection with reality and you are unlikely to commit rash acts.
However, the nature of stress is such that a person can be in it for quite a long time, exhausting himself with thoughts, wearing out his body, and undermining his health. What to do in this case?
It’s good to go shopping with a company. You can always consult with your friends and just have fun.
First, set a goal to combat stress. There are many ways to do this. Here are the most popular and effective ones.
1. Change your hairstyle. This is a favorite technique of all women. The best part is that it works! Psychologists even argue that many radically change their image before drastically changing their lives, that is, they do it subconsciously. Well, if the changes have already come and they are not comforting, going to the salon will become a kind of psychotherapy. The touch of the master to the head and hair will calm the nervous system, an unpretentious conversation will distract from problems, and the result will prompt the beginning of a new life!
2. Go shopping. Another way to distract yourself and feel better. This is a totally feminine way to calm the nerves. In the fitting room, you can feel like a real queen. It doesn’t matter if you buy an outfit or not, during shopping therapy, do not hesitate, go to the most expensive stores and try on the most stunning outfits. Of course, this approach can be even more frustrating if there is no way to purchase expensive items. But if you’re not a shopaholic, go ahead!
3. Arrange a general cleaning. Our mothers and grandmothers often repeat that … a rag will help to drive out bad thoughts! Washing the floors will physically tire you so much that there is simply no strength left for thought, and even no desire. And at the sight of a beautifully tidied apartment, you will only want to think about the good.
4. Play sports. Perhaps the most effective and beneficial way to relieve stress. Firstly, while exercising on a simulator, swimming in the pool or jogging on a treadmill, depressive thoughts will recede into the thirty-third plan, and secondly, after a while you will see visual results that will certainly please. Well, how can you not please a slender body, wasp waist, beautiful breasts and legs without cellulite?
Prolonged stress is a great excuse to discover new talents in yourself.
5. Have sex. During lovemaking, the body secretes the hormone oxytocin, which helps fight depression. And if you are lucky enough to also fall in love, you will definitely get rid of all stress at once.
6. Cry. Well, it can be useful too. Tears have been scientifically proven to bring relief. Most importantly, do not get carried away, because puffy eyelids and redness on your cheeks will not decorate you. So it is better to cry once, but thoroughly, and after the mind clears up, you will definitely understand what to do next and calm down.
7. Discover your talents. Stress is a great reason to explore new horizons: sign up for painting courses, master Argentine tango or pottery, finally learn English, go on a trip around the world or conquer Hollywood. Do not stop yourself in your desires, give free rein to imagination and someday you will say thank you to fate that everything happened exactly this way, and not otherwise.
What not to do
Complain about life. Whiners have never seduced anyone, even girlfriends can get tired of your constant complaints. Of course, good friends will always support you. But if you really want help solving problems, it is better to consult a competent therapist.
Seize stress. By settling near the refrigerator, you only risk exacerbating your stress. Gluttony will not add to your strength, but extra pounds – easily.
Burn bridges. This advice is not for all occasions, but before you permanently sever ties with humanity, consider whether you may still have to visit the human world in the future. Somewhere, in a week, when the passions in your head subside.