The Copenhagen diet is a diet that in its nature assumes the use of an incredibly rigorous nutritional plan for a period of thirteen days. During this time, you should eat only three meals a day, namely breakfast, lunch and dinner. Its supporters believe that in this way you can lose even a dozen or so kilograms in less than two weeks.
The Copenhagen diet can be considered somewhat schematic because its thirteen-day menu consists of similar, if not almost the same meals. They include the same products that are to be consumed during weight loss. One of the most important rules is to observe proper meal times. Breakfast in the morning, lunch before 14 p.m., and dinner until 18 p.m. Another rule concerns the amount of calories you take in, because they should be limited to 900 during the day. At this point, the basic components of the diet should be listed, which are lean meat, vegetables, eggs, coffee or green tea.
The thirteen-day treatment aims to train limiting oneself to small portions of food, it also helps to eliminate all bad habits, including the habit of snacking between meals, thanks to which the risk of the yo-yo effect is seriously limited. However, before you take up the challenge, think carefully whether it is necessary, and if you decide on this restrictive treatment, plan your meals carefully. To avoid constant temptations in stores, buy all products in advance.
Despite all the advantages of the thirteen-day diet, it is a diet poor in vitamins and minerals, so it is important to supplement any vitamin deficiencies during its duration. Also, in no case should you extend or shorten the treatment time, because in this way we will not achieve satisfactory results.
It is also worth knowing that the first days of being on the Copenhagen diet are the most difficult. That is why on these days it is recommended to drink at least two liters of mineral water during the day. The day, on the other hand, can be started with a cup of coffee, sweetened with one flat teaspoon of sugar, which will stimulate the body to act and allow you to start the day better.
According to nutritionists, when using the Copenhagen diet, salt should also be eliminated from the menu, especially if it has been used in the kitchen in quite large amounts so far. To replace it, we can use fresh herbs, such as basil, thyme or oregano, which also add great flavor to the prepared dishes.
Also remember that the initial days of using the diet may cause slight headaches, as well as general weakness, but when they pass, we should feel much better, and the good mood should return.
It is also extremely important that before applying any diet, even those considered safe, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare for the treatment. First of all, make sure that the diet really won’t hurt you.