Cooking with children: 5 simple and fun recipes

Cooking at all ages is submissive, and you can introduce a child to it at a very early age. Moreover, it is so pleasant to do something together. Today we cook together with the children. Recipes for ordinary dishes in an unusual performance can be found in our article.

Porridge with original decor

Готовим с детьми: 5 простых и весёлых рецептов

A proper breakfast starts with a delicious and healthy porridge. It is no secret that most children do not have a fervent love for this dish. But if you allow the child to take part in its preparation, as well as to decorate the porridge in an original way, success is guaranteed. Here you will have to help the child a little. Boil a glass of millet in salted water, and while it is not boiled, pour in a little milk. The child may well add sugar to the dish, throw a piece of butter and mix the grits. Meanwhile, cut one half of the banana into cubes, and the other half into circles. Let the baby mix part of the banana with the finished porridge, and the remaining banana circles are beautifully laid out on a plate. From dried apricots and berries, you can make eyes on a ready-made dish, and draw a wide smile and eyebrows with jam. The kindest and most delicious porridge is ready!   

Living corner

What can children cook themselves? You should start with basic recipes. Boil a couple of chicken eggs and cut them in half, and cut the carrots into flat oblong slices. If the child is already confident in the use of cutlery, he can do it himself. We put half an egg on a lettuce leaf with the yolk down and insert pieces of carrot in the form of paws and ears. From the stems of dill, make a mustache, and from small peas-eyes. The company of the bunny will be made up of miniature canapes.  Any vegetables will be used: potatoes, beets, carrots, cucumbers. You can also add a slice of cheese and sausage. Let the child string the ingredients on a skewer, starting with the largest slices, ending with the smallest, to make a pyramid. And on the top we plant an olive or an olive.

Готовим с детьми: 5 простых и весёлых рецептов

Swamp Kingdom

When we cook for ourselves, recipes for children should be chosen based on their preferences. For example, almost everyone likes sandwiches, especially if they are prepared in an original way. Cut out a couple of circles from the dried toast and put slices of sausage and cheese between them. These are preparations for future frogs. The tongue will serve as an oblong slice of cucumber, which we will insert between the layers of the sandwich, and we will make the eyes of olives with pieces of pepper. You can make a delicious addition to these sandwiches. Mix 100 g of cream cheese with finely chopped sweet peppers and olives. With this filling, we lubricate another round toast and put a piece of salmon on top, then repeat the layers twice more. We coat the resulting tower with Philadelphia cheese and sprinkle with chopped dill. The top is decorated with pieces of colored pepper.

Creative Pizzeria

If the child prepares the food himself, the recipes can be simplified at first. For example, for a homemade mini-pizza, take a ready-made puff pastry. You will need to cut it into pieces and roll them out into small round bases. And the decoration of the future dish can be entrusted to the child. For the filling, take boiled sausage or sausages, cheese, potatoes, cherry tomatoes, corn, colorful peppers and other vegetables. Let the kid come up with a composition of these ingredients: lay out some figures, patterns, or make funny animal faces. At the same time, you can mold additional details from the dough – ears, paws or a tail. For the sauce, tomato sauce made from fresh tomatoes or sour cream is suitable.

Dessert with khitrinka

Готовим с детьми: 5 простых и весёлых рецептов

Of course, the children’s menu is unlikely to do without a delicious dessert. In addition, this is a great chance to make your child addicted to products that he does not particularly like. Rub 200 g of cottage cheese with sugar to get a homogeneous mass. Invite your child to form cakes from this dough. To do this, you need to moisten your hands in water and roll up the curd mass of koloboks or thick sausages. Then roll them well in coconut shavings. You can decorate these cakes with colorful confectionery sprinkles, crushed nuts or chocolate-covered grillage. Your child will not even understand what delicious cakes are made of and will eventually love to eat natural cottage cheese instead of store-bought yoghurts.

When we cook with children, simple recipes, executed in four hands, are the most effective way to interest and teach a child new skills. It is sure to attract not only the process of cooking, but also healthy products. 

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