My career as a winemaker began probably long before I was born. My mom made wine all the time. I’ve always been interested to see how she does it deftly.
I liked to follow the preparation of different wines from fruits and berries. Mom made classic grape wine especially delicious.
When I grew up, I decided to “go further” and surprise my mother by doing something of my own and very unusual. It is very difficult to surprise your mother, but porcini mushroom wine is what you need.
The story was shared by my subscriber Denis Z.
Why I decided to make alcohol myself
I came to making wine on wine fungus quite by accident. Once we were visiting my wife’s relatives, and there we were treated to this interesting wine.
I liked the fact that the taste is quite sour and dry. This taste is very difficult to achieve if you make wine from berries.
I have always loved mushrooms. I remember that my mother in the village always insisted on kombucha, which I could drink the whole jar in a day, I like very sour.
I studied all the information on such a wine on the Internet and began to prepare for the manufacture of my “masterpiece”. Bought a wine mushroom. It was difficult for us to get it, but after a week of searching, I bought it in one of the stores on the Internet.
What ingredients are required
It was quite expensive, I managed to order it for 600 rubles. It was a live mushroom, although they often just sell the ingredients for you to grow it yourself.
I needed sugar, which I need 4 cups. It’s about a kilogram. That is, I spent another 30 rubles on sugar. Also I need:
- regular 3 liter jar,
- rubber glove.
It is important to know that water for wine cannot be boiled – ordinary filtered water will do. If there is no filter, you can simply use settled water. However, it must be defended in an open vessel.
The most interesting point is that you need tomato paste in wine. The choice of pasta is not an easy task. You need to study the composition, because the paste must be made only from tomatoes and do not contain any preservatives.
I take Heinz paste. For a 3-liter jar, I need a small jar that costs about 60 rubles. These are all the ingredients that will be required for this wine.
The cooking process
To begin with, I combine sugar with tomato paste in lukewarm water. Stir until the paste is no longer lumpy. Once you have succeeded, you can safely pour the wine mushroom there.
The mushroom does not need to be mixed. I fill the jar not to the brim and take it to a warm place. On the neck of the jar, as in the manufacture of any other wine, I put on a glove.
The beginning of fermentation
When the glove rises, it means that the fermentation process has started. Do not be afraid if it has not risen even after 2 days, sometimes it can take more than one week, the main thing is patience.
When the glove falls, it means that our wine came out, and it’s time to drain it. I usually wander about three weeks. You will see that the mushroom has sunk down and separated from the wine. Its outline will be clearly visible.
You can even drain such wine over the edge, but with gauze. I personally drain it traditionally with a dropper tube, by “suction”. So it turns out clean and does not touch the fungus.
End of fermentation – the glove should go down completely
I pour the wine into jars and take it to a dark place. It is important to tightly twist the jar so that air does not get into it. The wine is yellow, sometimes yellow-pink. The strength also depends on endurance.
The mushroom can be divided and put in new wines, but if you do not plan to cook in the near future, then just put it in the refrigerator. It should stand in a bowl tightly covered with gauze. Although I do not advise keeping the mushroom in the refrigerator for more than 3 days. It can get damaged.
Finished wine
What result did I get
The wine turned out the same as I tried. But unfortunately, I just liked it. Women were not happy with its sour taste.
Well, I like it – it goes well on a hot evening. It does not act very intoxicating, but it quenches thirst well. Apparently the degree is quite small.
Have you tried porcini mushroom wine? I guarantee you will definitely remember this taste forever.