Cooking Fergana pilaf. Video

Carefully put fat tail fat in the butter and melt over low heat. When the greaves are golden brown, take them out and use as a snack. Place onions in a cauldron and fry over high heat until brown (but not black!) And crispy. Add meat and fry over high heat (so that it does not give juice) until golden brown.

Put carrots, mix and add spices: coriander, cumin (you can mix yellow and black), salt and barberry. Fry for 5 minutes, stirring. Pour boiling water over so that the water covers all the ingredients, cover tightly and simmer zirvak (base for pilaf) for 1–1,5 hours over low heat. Check zirvak for salt: it should be slightly salty. Add whole heads of garlic.

Rinse the rice again and, after draining the water, put it in the cauldron, leveling and tamping with a slotted spoon. Pour in boiling water: the water should cover the rice by 1,5–2 cm. Bring to a boil over maximum heat and evaporate almost all the water to the level of the rice. Reduce heat and “bury” the pepper pods in the rice.

Use a long knife to punch holes in the rice to allow the remaining water to boil off. Cover the pilaf with a plate. Cover tightly on top and cook over very low heat for 20 minutes.

Hold the finished Fergana pilaf under the lid for another 10 minutes, and then stir with a slotted spoon. Pepper and garlic from pilaf are served on a separate plate.

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