Cooking fantasies

History knows examples when perfumers resorted to the help of cooks. But for the chef to create the perfume himself, from the first to the last note? Unheard of!

However, confectioner Pierre Hermé, without hesitation, agreed to the bold proposal of his bosom friend Olivier Bossan, the founder of the brand L’Occitane. “The idea to create a collection of gourmand fragrances was born during friendly gatherings over a glass of wine in Tokyo. There, Pierre opened a new boutique, and I came just like that, for the company, ”recalls Olivier Bossan. “Olivier’s proposal only stunned me at the first moment,” Pierre Erme picks up. “After all, if you look at it, I’m not new to the world of aromas: the nose is one of the main working tools of a confectioner.”

As a result of this venture, not one perfume appeared, but a whole collection of Pierre Hermé, L’Occitane. It includes three lines: floral Jasmin-Immortelle-Neroli, citrus Pamplemousse-Rhubarbe and dessert Miel Mandarine.

Nikolai Gulakov

The funds are dedicated to Corsica, the favorite vacation spot of two bon vivants. “The emblem of the island is an immortelle, which retains its brightness even when dry. And although this flower grows all over the Mediterranean, Corsican is special, explains Pierre Hermé. “It smells like vanilla with dried grass.” Olivier Bossan also breathes unevenly towards the immortelle, which has become the main character of the rejuvenating series Immortelle, L’Occitane. So the choice of the main note was predetermined. Lavandin, rhubarb, jasmine and grapefruit became additional strokes to the three fragrant Corsican landscapes.

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