Convergent and divergent thinking: which type do you prefer?

Hello, dear readers of Valery Kharlamov’s blog! Today we will talk about what convergent and divergent thinking are, and also learn how to determine which one of them prevails among us or our friends.

History of occurrence

Thanks to thinking, we get to know the world, gain experience and anticipate any events and difficult situations. As if replaying possible problems in our heads, we find ways to solve them and more favorable paths for further progress. About what types of thinking exist, and what it is, we considered here. The first to single out and divide it into such types as convergent and divergent was Joy Paul Guilford. In 1967, he published the book The Nature of Human Intelligence, in which he described in detail the results of his research. So let’s get down to the main points.

convergent thinking


It is actively developed at school, requiring an unequivocal correct answer, without taking into account creative solutions and innovative approaches. People with a convergent mindset tend to act in a clear, step-by-step, structured manner. Do you remember how you solved math problems? The pedagogical education system required that you not only find the only correct answer, but also provide a clear solution algorithm. Speed, compliance with the rules and the ability to operate with them were also taken into account.

Clarity and linearity are sometimes very important when solving difficulties on the way to what you want, but only our life is arranged in such a way that it is not always possible to structure and streamline it. Evolution does not stand still.

People who do not know how to quickly solve unforeseen problems and use non-standard solutions will not only slow down the process of achieving success, but can even “fall into depression” without coping with stress.

Even tests to determine the level of intelligence, which you could read about in an article about the IQ of a normal person, are built using questions that are focused specifically on the convergent type.

What history teaches

Remember the biographies of celebrities like Albert Einstein or Winston Churchill? At school, they occupied the last places in the academic record, but they are known to the world as geniuses. So what’s the problem? And the fact that their features did not fit into the overall picture, and curiosity was regarded as disobedience and inability to behave in society.

Imagine how many brilliant creations we would not see if these creative people did not stay true to themselves, did not continue to do what they like and did not ignore the main strategy of society — to be mediocre, understandable and like the rest. Guilford believed that the desire to structure everything leads to internal conflict, because an idea that turned out to be worthwhile, but arose spontaneously in the head, would not find a place in the algorithm, which would lead to tension and stress.


Scientists even conducted an experiment in order to study people’s reactions to the sequence and regularity of monotonous actions. Having recruited a group of subjects, they set a task for them — to draw the same points at the same distance from each other. The experiment went on for a long time, at least long enough for the participants to feel angry and annoyed at the monotony and boredom. They got tired much faster than usual and did not experience the satisfaction of perfection. Some could not stand it and showed creativity, that is, they added variety to their activities, depicting figures and patterns with the help of dots.

divergent thinking

This is a completely opposite type, implying a creative approach and many answers, moreover, completely unexpected and original. By the way, this term was even used in the film «Divergent», which tells about the disadvantages and dangers of people who think differently and differ from others. With the help of divergence, we can build hypotheses and connect the deductive style of thinking, analyze and classify the information received.

Convergent and divergent thinking: which type do you prefer?

Joy Guilford highlighted the characteristics by which we can determine the propensity for divergence, namely:

  • Speed ​​- that is, how many ideas have time to appear in a certain amount of time.
  • Creativity — how non-standard and original these ideas will turn out to be. This is what shows individuality and difference from others.
  • Sensitivity refers to the ability of a person to quickly switch from one topic to another, to notice nuances and pay attention to minor details. After all, a holistic image is assembled on the little things.
  • Imagery is the ability to operate with images and symbols, use them for their intended purpose and, most importantly, appropriately.
  • Flexibility is the ability to consider a seemingly well-known situation from different angles in order to find something new, previously not noticeable. As they say, look «from a different angle.»
  • Curiosity is a feeling of interest in those issues and nuances that are usually invisible to others, or they are indifferent to them. It is children who are a storehouse of curiosity, their brain is constantly looking for answers to their questions, for example, “What will happen if …”, “Why …”, “And where and why …”. Agree, not every adult allows himself not only to ask a similar question, but also to risk an experiment to find out what will happen.
  • Fantasy — that is, if the idea is very far from reality, but has some kind of logical explanation.

How to check which species prevails?

Convergent and divergent thinking: which type do you prefer?


Each of us successfully uses the above types, moreover, constantly and even in everyday life. Well, for example, when you are going to go to work, you habitually approach the front door, take out the key to the apartment, go out into the street or into the entrance and close the door. A clear algorithm even allows you to relax your mind and do all the actions, as they say, «on the machine.»

But the program crashes when the keys are not in their usual place. And here the divergence is connected, starting to throw up the most interesting ideas about the location of the necessary item.

And, despite the balance, all the same, each person has a great predisposition to either convergence or divergence, it’s like with a type of temperament. And you can determine the predisposition using several methods:

  • Try to write a list of 10 items, answering, for example, the question: “Where and for what can I use a thin branch?”. And then look at all your options, and if among them the usual use of branches is indicated, for example, for kindling a fire, then you are a convergent, and if your ideas are original, then the psychology of your decisions has a divergent beginning.
  • Also try to pass the test for the level of aikyu, it corresponds to the scheme and certain clear schemes, so it is difficult for brilliant people to give an unequivocal correct answer. This testing will help not only determine your predisposition, but also reassure, in case of difficulties.


And that’s all for today, dear readers! In order to be able to quickly respond to difficulties, without bringing yourself to stress and neurosis, I recommend subscribing to updates and joining our social groups. networks, because soon we will analyze how to develop creative thinking. Good luck to you and see you soon!

I am updating the article, here is a link to the material about creative thinking.

The material was prepared by Zhuravina Alina.

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