Convection oven: how to smoke fish, meat, poultry? Video
The airfryer is a real lifesaver for the modern housewife. It is very simple and convenient not only to cook fried, stewed and baked dishes in it, but also to smoke fish, meat and poultry. Homemade smoked meats in the airfryer are aromatic, juicy and tasty without much time, effort and money.
Conveyor grill: how to smoke fish
Hot smoked fish in the airfryer
Liquid smoke is an aqueous solution of hardwood smoke. It is free of ash, tar, tar, carcinogens and in moderate quantities is not hazardous to health
You will need: – 2-3 medium carcasses of fatty sea fish (mackerel, herring, trout); – salt, fish spices to taste; – liquid smoke.
Cut off the fish’s heads and tails, remove the entrails, rinse thoroughly with cold water and pat dry with a paper towel. Prepare a mixture of coarse salt and spices and rub the carcasses thoroughly inside and outside with it. Pour some liquid smoke into a bowl and brush it over the fish using a cooking brush. Leave to marinate for 30 minutes at room temperature.
It is very easy to cook cold smoked fish in the airfryer. To do this, turn on the device first for 30 minutes at a temperature of 65 ° C, and then for another 10 minutes at a temperature of 90 ° C. Fan Speed - Low
Tie the carcasses with string to keep them from falling apart and place them on the grill. Smoke for 30-40 minutes at 180-200 ° C. If the fan speed is adjustable, select medium.
Smoked chicken in the airfryer
You will need: – 1 whole chicken; – salt, chicken spices to taste; – liquid smoke.
Rinse the chicken with cold water and pat dry with a paper towel. Cut into portions. If you don’t feel like fiddling with butchering a carcass, buy ready-made wings, thighs, or drumsticks. Rub with salt, pepper and spices and let sit for 30 minutes. After that, brush with liquid smoke and leave to marinate for another half hour.
Place the chicken pieces on the wire shelf of the preheated airfryer. Smoke at 210–250 ° C until tender (40–50 minutes, depending on the size of the meat pieces). If the fan speed is adjustable, select medium or high.
Smoked bacon in aero grill
You will need: – 500 g of lard with meat layers; – salt, ground black pepper to taste; – 3-4 cloves of garlic; – liquid smoke.
Rinse fat with cold water and dry. Refrigerate to make it easier to cut. Use a sharp knife to cut the bacon into small pieces (100–150 g).
Chop the garlic with a knife or using a press and mix with coarse salt and ground black pepper. Rub the lard with the resulting mixture, put it in a container with a lid and refrigerate for 2 days.
Alder shavings can be used instead of liquid smoke. Pre-soak it in water for 15 minutes so that it does not burn, but smolders. Put food on the lower grill of the airfryer, on the upper one – foil and soaked shavings
10-12 hours before smoking, brush lard with liquid smoke using a cooking brush and refrigerate again. Then place on the grill of the airfryer and smoke for 2-3 hours at 65 ° C.