Control your mind with your body: 10 life hacks

We know that the brain controls the body and makes it respond to thoughts and emotions. However, not everyone is aware that there is feedback. Conscious movement will help us gain confidence, convince the interlocutor of something, develop empathy, increase mental activity and much more. Let’s tell you how it works.

Body language is considered to be a kind of secondary tool with which we involuntarily convey our internal state to others. It turns out that this also works the other way around: postures, gestures and facial expressions also control emotions and thoughts.

What feelings and states can be influenced by the body?

1. Confidence

If you spread your legs and spread your arms, confidence increases in a minute, a group of social psychologists at Columbia University found. Moreover, the body increases the level of testosterone, which is associated with dominant behavior. Since in this position we take up more space, literally expanding our zone of influence, the brain changes settings. At the same time, psychologists recognize that the “pose of power” does not always achieve the desired effect. Whatever the case, it’s worth a try.

2. The power of love

The will can be trained with the help of physical effort: for example, by tensing the muscles. In 2011, marketers Iris Hang and Aparna Labru conducted a series of experiments. Participants who flexed their muscles were better able to endure pain, refuse tasty treats, swallow bitter medicine, and hear disturbing news. So if there is not enough willpower, take note of this.

3. Concentration

Struggling with a problem for a long time, but something constantly distracts you? Try the classic Napoleonic pose – cross your arms over your chest. Psychologists Ron Friedman and Andrew Elliot made sure that it helps to focus. Several volunteers were given a set of difficult tasks and measured how long it took to solve. When asked to cross their arms over their chests, they gave correct answers in half the time.

4. Focus

If the previous method didn’t work, just lie down and relax. Australian psychologists Darren Lipnicki and Don Byrne conducted an experiment. They gave the subjects creative tasks and asked them to lie down. Scientists were not mistaken: lying down really manages to catch insight faster.

5. Productivity

Since you’re in bed, why not sleep? However, do not forget that this is a kind of art. Doze for a long time – sleepy inertia will overcome, the head will be like cast iron. They closed their eyes for a minute – they did not rest at all. Where is the golden mean? To calculate the optimal duration of daytime sleep, experts compared intervals of 5, 10, 20 and 30 minutes. As it turned out, in order to increase mental activity and performance, a ten-minute sleep is enough. But if you sleep longer, your energy level will drop. The benefits of five minutes of sleep are reduced by half as much as of ten minutes, but it’s still better than nothing.

6. Persuasiveness

Watching people wave their hands while talking is quite fascinating. However, this is not just an involuntary accompaniment of the conversation. Italian researchers were able to prove that gestures give more persuasiveness to words. Moreover, movements that clearly confirm what has been said work most effectively. For example, pointing back when referring to the past.

7. Good memory

Hand movements help not only to convince others, but also to assimilate information. For example, children who were encouraged to gesticulate in class remembered most of the new material. Figuratively speaking, we really “think” with our hands, and this helps to learn.

8. Cheerfulness

The very smile makes us happier, no matter how sincere it is. In 1988, German professor of social psychology Fritz Strack conducted an unusual experiment. Participants were asked to hold a pen in their mouth so that the corners of their lips either turned up or down. And then they showed them a series of comics. Those who “smiled” were more amused by the pictures than those who maintained a frown. That is, even a fake smile involuntarily makes us look at the world more cheerfully.

9. Sympathy

To understand what is in a person’s soul, try to “mirror” his behavior. Natural empaths automatically adopt the manner of speech, posture, facial expressions, and so on. If you learn this, it will be easier to imagine yourself in someone else’s place and show empathy. Remember how talented actors transform into different characters and live their emotional state.

10. Understanding

Imitation helps to understand not only what people feel, but also how they think. An experiment by neurolinguist Patty Adank found that participants had an easier time recognizing an unfamiliar accent when they tried to imitate it. And by copying the behavior of another, you can guess what is on his mind.

body thinking

Most of the studies mentioned support the theory that humans (like all living beings) are endowed with bodily thinking, says psychologist Jeremy Dean. After all, the mind is not only a substance hidden in the cranium, but also a physical shell that moves in space.

Our life is becoming more and more virtual, we spend most of our time behind the screens of various devices. So, it is worth remembering more often that the connection between the brain and the body is two-way. After all, human intelligence is more than a machine for processing incoming data: it is needed for the exchange of information between the body, consciousness and the outside world.

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