Contraceptives on vacation: which ones to choose
The last thing you want to think about on vacation is contraception. However, if pregnancy is not yet part of your plans, the use of contraception cannot be avoided. Woman’s Day has prepared an overview of modern methods of preventing unwanted pregnancies. It remains only to choose the one that suits you personally.
It should be noted right away that not all contraceptives known to science and modern women are suitable for vacation. Some are good for people with excellent memory, others are for advocates of traditional methods of avoiding drug intervention, and others, like fire, are afraid of hormones, but at the same time believe that condoms poison all pleasure. Let’s take a look at what modern pharmaceuticals offer today.
Oral contraceptives (OC)
Common remedies, but not ideal for vacations. We must always remember that pills should be taken daily and preferably at the same time, with a long flight to make an amendment to the change of time zones.
You should also carefully read the instructions, it lists the means, when used, the effectiveness of OK decreases. These are antibiotics, pain relievers, antiallergic drugs, tranquilizers and some others. If there is a need for them, you should stop taking OK for a while.
Risk: hormones affect cholesterol metabolism. Therefore, it is recommended to donate blood once every six months to determine the lipid profile, it allows you to obtain important information about the types, amounts and distribution of fats (lipids) in the blood.
Smoking and health
Cigarettes and hormonal contraceptives are incompatible. Constant exposure to nicotine causes chronic inflammation of blood vessels, and hormones thicken the blood – and ideal conditions are created for the formation of blood clots. Heavy smokers should not take birth control pills, especially after 35 years, as, indeed, diabetics, hypertensive patients and others who are prone to blood clots.
The perfect solution for your vacation. Condoms have a high degree of protection and save you from possible
Risks: the condom has a limited shelf life. The integrity of the latex is broken in 1-3 years from the date of issue indicated on the package. It must be remembered that the properties of a condom deteriorate in heat. The ideal temperature for storing them is 0-25 degrees. If the condom breaks, you can use chlorhexidine solution. It will not save you from a possible pregnancy, but it will save you from infections.
Intrauterine device (IUD)
Mechanically prevents the development of pregnancy. It is not recommended to use the IUD for nulliparous girls, and no doctor will put a spiral in the presence of gynecological problems. It is advisable to use an IUD with copper, silver and gold – they reduce
Risks: the spiral can grow into the wall of the uterus, there is a possibility of developing an inflammatory process.
The undoubted plus of this method is the absence of hormonal components. In addition, the composition of such funds includes components that protect against certain infections. Spermicides should be administered 15 minutes before
Risks: the chance of pregnancy is great. It depends on the frequency of sexual activity, and on the number of partners, and on the observance of strict rules for the use of any spermicides (suppositories, foams, sponges, creams), and their constant use can disrupt the natural microflora of the vagina.
Manufacturers claim that the patch does not interfere with swimming. But as practice shows, sometimes it lags behind the skin. And not everyone likes to walk with a sticker on their body, albeit not very noticeable.
Modern techniques
To minimize the side effects of OC use, doctors have created a series of so-called hormonal releasing systems. These are preservatives that are glued to the body, inserted subcutaneously, or inserted directly into the vagina.
Contraceptive patch
A sleek vacation solution. Contains small doses of hormones, which allows you to forget about the threat of pregnancy within a week after placing it on the body. And the fact that hormones bypass the gastrointestinal tract (entering the body through the skin) minimizes side effects.
Vaginal ring
Provides reliable protection against pregnancy for a whole month. You can insert the ring yourself. It is enough to place it in the vagina from 1 to 5 days of the cycle – and for the next three weeks you have nothing to worry about. The hypoallergenic material of the ring and low doses of hormones entering the body minimize possible side effects.
Risks: when using a patch or ring, the risks are the same as when taking OK.
Subcutaneous implants
Another option in which the amount of hormones entering the body is minimized. However, the implant cannot be removed on its own. If, for some reason, your body reacts badly to hormones, you will have to seek help from a doctor.
Risks: cases have been recorded when hormonal disturbances, endocrinological diseases, and uterine bleeding develop against the background of injections.
Whichever means you plan to use on a trip, only condoms and spermicides can be used without first consulting a gynecologist.