Contraception and cholesterol levels. How to choose a method of contraception?

We have high cholesterol and I don’t want to take the pill. I also can’t use the spiral because I have uterine pain.

My new partner is completely unable to cope with my fertility, he is sick that we will get pregnant even in the infertile period. What should I do, I don’t want to change my partner. I’ve heard about the disc – do the hormones contained with it increase cholesterol? ~ barbiesix

First of all, you should start not with the determination of the total cholesterol level, but with the lipid profile. It may turn out that increased values ​​are present in the desired fractions. Moreover, high cholesterol alone is not a contraindication to contraception. Of course, it is better to use medications that bypass the gastrointestinal tract. We have patches or vaginal rings that secrete hormones. Undoubtedly, a well-chosen contraception favors the comfort and sense of security for both partners and is sometimes a necessary condition for a satisfactory sexual intercourse.

Contraception – read more about it

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