Continuous herbicides
Weeds often cause a lot of problems for gardeners. Of course, you can remove them mechanically. But this procedure is rather long and tedious. It is much easier to apply continuous herbicides, they are also pesticides. There are quite a lot of such drugs, and everyone can choose the most effective remedy. The main thing is to adhere to the instructions for working with pesticides in the process.
In order to destroy all weeds and at the same time not harm the soil, buying the most effective product will not be enough. After all, it still needs to be applied correctly. To do this, you should study the instructions and carefully observe the dosage of the drug. In addition, it must be remembered that herbicides destroy not only weeds, but also cultivated plants. Therefore, it is recommended to process row spacings with a thin jet.
Continuous herbicides are quite poisonous, so the treatment is best done in protective equipment
During processing, do not consume drinks or food. In addition, you should not start work in a state of alcoholic intoxication.
Treatments should be carried out in calm weather at a temperature of 16 to 25 ° C. Since herbicides are extremely poisonous, a special suit must be worn when working with them. In addition, it is recommended to protect the respiratory system with a filter mask and the eyes with goggles.
After treatment, it is necessary to take a shower and wash well not only the body, but also the hair. Moreover, experts recommend drinking a glass of milk, because it perfectly removes toxins from the body.
List of the best continuous weed herbicides
There are many drugs that help gardeners and gardeners cope with weeds. The following are especially popular:
- “Arsenal”. This herbicide is considered one of the best for the treatment of a large area. After application, the growth of weeds stops for 4-5 years.
- Roundup. A systemic agent that perfectly destroys more than 300 plant species. Recommended for use in areas intended for planting seedlings.
- “Glyfosad”. One of the most powerful herbicides. It should be used after harvest.
- “Tornado 500”. An economical and effective product that copes well with both annual and perennial weeds.
- “Torch”. One of the cheapest drugs. After processing the site, plants can be planted after 1-2 weeks.
Continuous herbicides have become the best friends of all gardeners and gardeners. Thanks to these preparations, you can quickly get rid of any weeds. At the same time, the price of funds is quite low, so they are available to everyone.