Contestants Miss Yekaterinburg 2016: photos, details

Contestants Miss Yekaterinburg 2016: photos, details

Woman’s Day continues to acquaint readers with the participants of the Miss Yekaterinburg – 2016 contest. The girls have been training for two weeks now and are delighted with the first results!

I told about the first four participants of the most popular city beauty contest Woman’s Day here.

Anastasia Anisimova, 23 years old

Who: shop owner.

Dreams Come True! The best day of my life – the day of buying a motorcycle! I dreamed about it from early childhood – I wanted to grow up and buy myself a white bike. Two years ago, she became the happy owner of an “iron friend” – white, as she wanted. However, I had to … repaint the motorcycle. It turned out that there are many of them in the city, but I always wanted to stand out. I called my friends-designers for help, and now I ride an exclusive yellow-green model with a stylized skull – no one else has such a thing!

Schedule. This is the first time I participate in a beauty contest, although as a child I took part in the “Little Miss Yekaterinburg” contest. But then I didn’t win.

I want to prove to myself that I can do anything if I want to. This is how my first bike ride happened. I didn’t know how to drive yet, so I fell and for a long time was afraid to get behind the wheel again.

The training is not in vain – in just 2 weeks I acquired a gorgeous gait. Every day we learn to move properly and keep our back. To do this, we stand for several minutes with our backs straightened as much as possible, stretch, walk with books on our heads. They also showed us some zumba moves!

Who: student of RANChIGS.

Dreams Come True! Six months ago, I decided to lose weight – I began to actively train, do fitness, gave up all harmful foods and habits like: eat sweets at night, lie in front of the TV instead of going to the stadium to run. As a result, I lost five kilograms in six months. And she also developed willpower. Without this, I would not have entered the competition. The day when I found out that I became a contender for the Miss Yekaterinburg crown can be called the best day of my life. Now I will use this chance 100%! Hope I can beat myself.

Schedule. This is the first time I participate in competitions of this level. The main discovery for me was the skills of beautiful speech. For example, I learned many ways to train speech myself – these are various tongue twisters and retellings of texts. We are all seated together and asked to complete several tasks – for example, to give a definition of a philosophical concept. By the way, this is a great way to meet girls.

My personal progress is not very big yet, because only two weeks of classes have passed and there is still a lot of work ahead. But I can already see how the competition changes me and my attitude to life. For example, recently came to us Sofia Nikitchuk (“Miss Yekaterinburg – 2014”, “Miss Russia – 2015” and “Vice-Miss World – 2015” – approx. WD)! She inspired us all to fight and win.

Juliet Pastukhova, 25 years old

Who: two higher legal education.

Dreams Come True! Since childhood, I have lisped a little and had a lot of complexes because of this. She was always afraid of public speaking, rarely answered at the blackboard at school. And just six months ago, I printed out tongue twisters for myself and began to repeat them every morning. So I myself, without outside help, got rid of my main complex.

Schedule. The most important thing for me is to have a goal. You always need to know where you are going and invest 100% of yourself in it. Now my main goal is to work well for the next fashion show. We were prepared for this for a long time. During each workout, we stand with the shoulder blades pulled back as much as possible and imagine that there is a glass of water on our chest and it cannot be spilled. In this position, we first spend five minutes on one leg, then five minutes on the other. Great workout for perfect posture! But I always believed that I had the perfect posture, because I had the experience of fashion shows. But here we are taught according to completely different rules: I discovered other walking techniques. But now I even sleep with my back straight!

Milena Matushkina, 22 years old

Who: translator from English and Spanish, ice hockey player.

Dreams Come True! I dreamed of becoming a model since childhood. I even had a board game “Miss World”, and I imagined myself as a participant in this competition. Now the dream is becoming a reality. To get to Miss Yekaterinburg, I prepared for several years – I followed my figure, did fitness, speech, studied at a model school and worked as a model. Has already starred for several fashion magazines, worked in several cities and countries. Now I am ready to conquer this city!

Schedule. I am interested to see how the Miss Yekaterinburg contest is organized, how the beauty industry lives. To achieve something, you need to present yourself correctly: this is necessarily a straight back, proud posture and intelligence. The girl should be not only pleasant to look at, but also to listen to her.

Read about the next four Ural beauties on Tuesday, July 19.

Already on the air:

“Diary of the contest” Miss Yekaterinburg-2016 “, “41-Domashny”, Tue-Thu, 19.35.

Broadcast of the final show “Miss Yekaterinburg – 2016”:

“41-Domashny”, August 12, 19.00-23.00.

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