Containment “Coronavirus”: what effects on children?

The current situation forces us to stay at home, on sick leave or teleworking, due to the coronavirus epidemic. For almost everyone, confinement is a unique experience, which leads us to create new relationships with our children, deprived of school and leisure.. For them as for us the situation is new. It is important for all of us that this containment goes as well as possible.


Containment: the effects on children

Families, like children, are not all equal when in confinement! Garden or not, apartment with or without balcony, small or large surface: it goes without saying that the situations are different.

Depending on their age, children will also approach the situation differently. While infants are the least affected by the situation, toddlers and older ones can suffer from this sharply reduced horizon. ” In addition, time, for children, does not pass in the same way. A period of 4 weeks may seem like an eternity », Recalls the clinical psychologist Cécile Rubenthaler.

« Very early on, children become aware of the changes taking place in their daily lives. Confinement can cause anxiety, anger or even phobias or trauma in them if it is not well managed by the parents. », Explains Elisabeth Spertino, therapist and school teacher.

First consequences of confinement: the absence of socialization with other children. Which, if they attend a nursery or preschool, is a huge life change. No longer going to class, no longer playing in the yard, no longer finding friends … all aspects of the socialization of young children disappear overnight. If it’s possible, invite your child to meet their best friends via FaceTime, for example, to keep a minimum of contact. 



“Parents have a key role to play during a period of confinement” – Cécile Rubenthaler 

The positive attitude of parents: a guarantee of serenity

« Family harmony depends on parental management of confinement », Cécile Rubenthaler warns. An opinion shared by therapist Elisabeth Spertino. ” In close and exclusive bond with their parents, children absorb their emotions and their apprehensions of grown-ups. It is therefore essential for the parental couple, or one or the other of the parents, to work on their own stress and not to transmit it. ». 

For her, it is also necessary not to hide the truth from children. ” You have to explain to them why they have to stay at home, very clearly, while reassuring them. From 2 to 3 years old, they are old enough to integrate information She adds. Children’s uncertainty can indeed be a source of nightmares and reinforce emotional fragility. By putting the situation into words, simple and concrete, adapted to their age, parents offer a framework of explanations that reassure the child. 



Strengthening the links: the opportunity for containment

« This period of withdrawal can be an opportunity for the whole family. », Indicates Cécile Rubenthaler. Which ? ” That of recreating or creating a bond with his children, of teaching them things that they do not do at school or in the nursery. To feed each other! », Continues the psychologist.

Failing to offer screens to children all day long to occupy them, the experts give some leads… ” For example, to fight against inactivity, if you have no outside, create a psychomotricity course in your living room with cushions and everything you have at your disposal propose Cécile Rubenthaler. Creative activities, of course, will also be a good way to occupy the children. Plan to stock up on scissors, glue sticks, paint, and all the necessary equipment for your next races!

We can also provide a collective activity like singing or a yoga session, without forgetting the school activities, which continue. ” Varying the days and their content is very important. But beware, children also need benchmarks. Even in the event of confinement, it is important to make them respect a certain routine which will prepare them for a return to “normalcy”. », She finishes.

In all cases, parents must remain attentive to the impact that confinement can have on their children. If your child is very worried, no longer sleeping, or seems particularly anxious during this period of confinement, it is important to help them. ” If your child shows more serious disorders exacerbated by confinement, do not hesitate to ask for help from a psychology professional through teleconsultation. », Concludes Elisabeth Spertino. 

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