

What is contactology?

Contactology refers to a branch of ophthalmology whose object is to allow people with a visual defect to correct or compensate for it by wearing contact lenses.

In France, the practice of contactology is reserved for ophthalmologists and orthoptists (the profession of optometrist is not recognized). In Quebec, it can also be performed by dispensing opticians (2) and optometrists.

Remember that contact lenses are, along with glasses and refractive surgery, types of vision correction.

Why consult a contactologist?

Contact lenses are made for people with a visual defect who prefer to avoid wearing glasses. They are invisible and are a reversible correction, unlike surgery. We find lenses for:

  • the nearsighted ;
  • the hyperopic ;
  • the astigmatic ;
  • the presbytes ;
  • as well as people with several of these visual defects simultaneously.

There are soft lenses and hard lenses:

  • soft lenses are hydrophilic and are renewed every day at 12 months (among these lenses, the daily disposable, those with frequent renewal and those with annual renewal);
  • rigid lenses are gas permeable and are renewed every year or two.

It should be noted that there are therapeutic lenses, which play the role of a dressing or drug reservoir to treat certain eye pathologies.

What does the contactologist do?

The role of the contactologist is to ensure the fitting, adjustment and follow-up of contact lenses. Before the patient can wear their contact lenses, there are several steps that must be taken:

  • a clinical examination, in order to determine the visual defect (s), the most suitable type of lenses (according to age, lifestyle, profession, hobbies, ophthalmologic condition). For example, it may be to measure the radius of curvature of the cornea, to analyze the tear film, etc. (this step is taken care of by an ophthalmologist);
  • then, the contactologist (ophthalmologist, optometrist, optician, etc.) provides information on handling the lenses and the hygiene procedures to be followed;
  • he suggests a first test of lenses, and adjusts them to the patient;
  • he usually performs a lens wear checkup about 1 month later.

What are the risks during the consultation of a contactologist?

The consultation does not involve any particular risks. Note all the same that wearing lenses can cause allergy problems, inflammatory reactions, or even cause discomfort, red eyes, dryness, conjunctivitis … Exceptionally, it can cause permanent sequelae such as scars or worse , eye loss.

How to become a contactologist?

Contactology is practiced by various specialists in France and Quebec. So much so that the training courses to achieve this are numerous. It can be taught within the framework of a medical discipline or be the subject of a separate training.

To find a contactology specialist:

  • in Quebec, you can contact the website of the association of ophthalmologists of Quebec3 or of the order of opticians of prescriptions of Quebecâ ?? ´;
  • in France, via the website of the French society of ophthalmologists for contact lens adapters5.


Colored lenses used as for aesthetic purposes are subject to the same precautions for use, hygiene, monitoring and the same possible complications as corrective lenses.

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