Contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis is a disease based on an inflammatory lesion of the epidermis. Characteristic manifestation in the form of a rash. It usually appears as a result of exposure to the skin of irritating substances.

We can talk about the existence of two forms of the disease.

Simple contact dermatitis appears due to the fact that the skin has come into contact with toxic substances of a chemical or irritating type.

Allergic contact dermatitis is manifested by a special rash, it can appear only in those whose body is sensitized to a particular allergen, after appropriate contact. These are not always toxic substances. Where such contact has occurred, an immune response may be induced. This is possible if a similar allergen has already caused such a reaction. This process is called sensitization. It serves to prepare the immune system for similar reactions.

Symptoms of contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis

Symptoms of contact dermatitis can be pronounced or relatively subtle. Much depends on the characteristics of each organism.

Traditionally, the disease can be recognized by the following manifestations:

  • Itching itch.

  • Burning.

  • Pain on touch.

  • High body temperature.

  • Rash in the area of ​​contact with the allergen.

  • The affected area is covered with a dry crust.

  • When wounds heal, peeling, dryness of the epidermis are formed.

The following symptoms indicate the need for immediate treatment:

  • Redness.

  • Puffiness

  • blisters.

These are symptoms of acute contact dermatitis. Such manifestations on the face are especially dangerous. When therapy is delayed, traces remain that are difficult to remove or disguise, starting with age spots.

Causes of contact dermatitis

The causes of contact dermatitis are obvious from the name of the disease. The most common is heredity.

But the provocateur of the disease is often:

  • Synthetic products. This includes material for creating fabrics and clothing, detergents, in some brands of cosmetics.

  • A number of metals, such as nickel, silver.

  • Medications. Antibiotics and some hormonal agents have the greatest activity.

  • Some natural materials (latex, rubber, wool).

  • Often contact dermatitis appears after touching plants – such as nettle, caustic buttercup, euphorbia, etc.

To determine the cause, an analysis of the last few weeks of life is carried out. It is necessary to establish with which allergen the skin could come into contact. There are times when it is revealed on its own. If this fails, allergy tests are carried out.

There are cases when it is quite difficult to identify the cause. For example, this often happens if he appeared on his hands. It is more difficult to identify the irritant if there are many objects in the hands during the day. It is important not to confuse the symptoms of dermatitis with other skin diseases. Often the manifestations are very similar to eczema.

The epidermis is also an organ. It is responsible for the appearance of peculiar reactions of delayed and immediate types. It is also widely believed that the skin is naturally an immune organ. It has a whole system of lymphoid centers involved in determining the hypersensitivity reaction. Their participation affects the formation of inflammatory foci with an immune nature.

The type of disease determines the causes of its occurrence. For the occurrence of contact dermatitis, touching poisons and poisonous substances is enough. Often the disease appears due to mechanical irritation, for example, shoes that do not fit. Contact dermatitis often appears due to skin burns and frostbite, and direct exposure to sunlight.

It is customary to begin treatment of the disease in order to exclude contact with the allergen. Most likely, this will need to be done forever. When the appearance of contact dermatitis is based on the professional activity of the patient, then protective equipment must be constantly used, starting with gloves and ending with protective suits.

Contact dermatitis on hands

Contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis on the hands is very common among skin diseases of the hands. It occurs most often.

This type of dermatitis is considered the simplest. It is a consequence of contact with some irritating substances.

These include:

  • alkali,

  • acid,

  • exposure to ultraviolet

  • frostbite,

  • burn,

  • squeezing,

  • friction

As can be seen from the list, it is not necessary that the substances be presented in a “pure” form. They may be part of a product. An allergen is needed for a known disease and its symptoms to appear. In this capacity, medicines, chemicals that are used in everyday life, some cosmetic and perfumery products act. You can learn about the disease by the resulting foci of edema, burning, blisters and other symptoms. When the blisters burst, layers of crusts are created, weeping type ulcers. There are noticeable pigment spots. The pain in the hands does not go away.

You can not start the treatment of dermatitis. From the first of its manifestations, everything must be done so that it does not go into a further stage – eczema.

Treatment of contact dermatitis on the hands is carried out in several steps. First, allergen tests are used to determine the allergen that caused the inflammation. It is better to find a way to avoid such things, this is recommended for every patient in the first place. Only then can medical treatment follow.

In some cases, antihistamines are prescribed.

The best treatment for contact dermatitis on the hands is with medications that help remove toxins from the body. This helps cleanse the blood cells, the allergen is quickly excreted from the body. For optimal results, you need to look for a combination of both means.

Contact dermatitis treatment

Contact dermatitis

Treatment of contact dermatitis is complex. Often the disease is associated with inflammation of a certain area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe skin. When characteristic blisters or vesicles appear that contain serous-colored fluid, a physician may recommend antihistamines. Then it will be possible to eliminate the itching and secure the treated areas, eliminating the infection.

Antihistamines are usually prescribed with concomitant treatment.

If mechanical rubbing has taken place, zinc-containing ointments are prescribed (ordinary sulfuric ointment will do).

All questions about drugs are helped by a dermatologist. This will help find the best medicine for a baby with contact dermatitis.

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