Construction 2030: how our houses will be built in ten years

Trends tracked the main trends that are emerging in the construction industry today and tried to predict how they will develop in the next ten years

Environmental friendliness and efficiency

The world is changing at an unprecedented rate. Due to the growing population of the planet, the demand for houses, schools, hospitals and other buildings is increasing. At the same time, the fight against climate change and the global pandemic continue to dictate their terms. Construction in 2030 takes place under two slogans: sustainable development and efficiency.

New materials

The construction industry is responsible for 40% of all harmful emissions that contribute to the greenhouse effect. In this regard, it must change dramatically. The process of creating new buildings should become more “green”, and they themselves should be as energy efficient as possible. Some countries are virtually phasing out steel and concrete, switching to wood, other natural materials, and even recycled plastic. Such decisions are motivated by the fact that the annual production of concrete is responsible for emissions of 2,8 billion tons of CO2. Wood from specially grown forests is more durable and easier to handle. Moreover, carbon dioxide is absorbed by walls and remains in buildings. Experimental quarters are already being built from wood, for example, Aspern Seestadt in Austria.


The next important aspect is the reuse of materials. Now in Europe it is gradually becoming the norm. The EU generates about 850 million tons of construction and demolition waste. But some states demonstrate that even such a large amount can be handled: for example, the Netherlands and Germany recycle about 90% of this kind of waste.

Factories and 3D

The search for more environmentally friendly ways of building and automation will lead to an increase in off-site construction. Under this approach, parts of buildings will be prefabricated in factories and brought in for installation on site. Sometimes modular construction technologies will be used, when all the components of structures are created at factories. In addition, 3D printing will be widely used. The popularity will be affected by the speed, cheapness and efficiency of this method.

Automation through AI

Despite the fact that the total population of the planet is growing, fewer people go to work in construction. This fact, together with the development of technology, is driving automation forward dramatically: by 2030, it will affect about 15% of all professions in the industry. Many companies will start using drones to monitor the construction site and collect data. Artificial intelligence programs will analyze the collected information and offer the most optimal solutions.

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