Constipation – types, symptoms, treatment, home remedies. Constipation in pregnancy

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Constipation, also called constipation, is a condition that can be very uncomfortable in some cases. It is a difficult bowel movement that occurs in both children and adults. Find out what causes constipation, what the symptoms are and how to treat them. Learn about natural methods of treating constipation.

What is constipation?

Constipation is a problem with passing stools or a prolonged amount of intestinal content in the large intestine. It is a condition with which every 2nd woman and every 4th man have problems, but it is not always necessary to treat it as a serious illness. Constipation is often the result of stress and a poor diet. Everyone defecates at their own time, but when there are no three complete bowel movements in a week, then they are considered constipated.

Constipation – types

There are three types of constipation – functional, habitual and sporadic. These are idiopathic constipations. Functional constipation causes a poor diet and drinking too little fluids. A sedentary lifestyle and mental factors such as stress also contribute to their formation. Habitual constipation causes the stool to hold back, which causes it to become dense and hard.

Short-term constipation should usually not be treated as a disease, although it is often caused by various disease entities, e.g. diverticulosis, malignant and benign neoplasms, conditions after abdominal surgery, haemorrhoids, Parkinson’s disease, cerebral ischemia, diabetes and neurological complications of metabolic diseases. Short-term constipation can also be caused by painkillers and psychiatric drugs.

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Constipation – symptoms

The most common symptoms of constipation include:

  1. reduced or no appetite,
  2. flatulence
  3. nausea,
  4. pain when passing stools,
  5. passing hard stools
  6. fever,
  7. weight loss
  8. night abdominal pain,
  9. dizziness.

In children, the symptoms of constipation are sometimes more difficult to predict than in adults. Moreover, children sometimes hide that they have a defecation problem. In their case, the most common symptoms of constipation are:

  1. sharp abdominal pain (passes after defecation),
  2. abdominal distension
  3. hardening of the abdomen
  4. dirty underwear due to stool retention at the mouth of the anus,
  5. reluctance to defecate.

How to treat constipation?

When treating constipation, it is worth using home remedies. Many doctors suggest the use of intestinal stimulants. It is advisable to start with modifying the diet, but before that, a physical examination should be performed to confirm whether there are fecal masses in the rectum. When constipation does not resolve after 2-3 months of dietary treatment, diagnostics should be extended with specialist examinations.

Home remedies for constipation

There are many home remedies for constipation. They can be successfully used if the problem is short-lived. Most often, they involve changing eating habits or using products to support bowel movements.

Remedies for constipation – prune compote

Compote of overcooked or soggy plums is a remedy for constipation known in folk medicine. Prunes are much richer in fiber than raw plums – this makes them much better at regulating intestinal peristalsis. Pectins in plums speed up defecation because they soak up water as they move through the digestive tract – as a result, the stool volume increases and you defecate faster.

Prune compote can be prepared from 25 grams of prunes, a cinnamon stick, a teaspoon of grated orange peel, a teaspoon of grated lemon peel, 7 cloves, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 1,5 liters of water. You can use dried plums from an organic store that do not contain sugar and sulfur – this is a variant intended for people on a reduction diet.

To prepare the compote, rinse the fruit with water and pour cold water over it to soften it – leave it for 2-3 hours. Then pour the plums with water into the pot, add spices, scalded citrus, orange peel, lemon, cinnamon stick, cloves and sugar. Simmer the mixture for about 30 minutes. Then strain the compote and wait until it cools down.

Ways of constipation – beetroot

Beets, like prunes, effectively stimulate the intestines and are also used in folk medicine. People suffering from constipation are recommended to eat boiled beetroot or eat a salad made of grated beetroot with a teaspoon of ground cumin – add a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of oil to taste. Improvement in health should be visible after a few days.

Remedies for constipation – aloe juice

Aloe vera juice has a strong laxative effect due to anthracompounds. Already six hours after drinking the liquid, the intestines are cleansed. Not only the drink, but also other aloe vera products limit the absorption of water, sodium and stimulate intestinal peristalsis. Aloe juice in the case of constipation is used temporarily.

To prepare the aloe vera juice, you will need a bunch of aloe leaves and ½ liter of orange, grapefruit and lemon juice – the hollowed-out flesh should be put into a jug and combined with citrus juice. Then it should be poured into a bottle and cooled – the liquid has a shelf life of one week. Aloe juice can be drunk 2-3 times a day for a teaspoon.

Remedies for constipation – a high residual diet

A high-residual diet is a natural remedy for constipation, as it is characterized by a high content of dietary fiber, lignin, pectin and hemicellulose. It includes food products such as: wheat and rye flour, wholemeal and rye bread, millet, barley, unroasted buckwheat, dairy products, egg whites, meat (preferably poultry), fish (cod, pike, pike perch) , olive oil, vegetables and fruits.

Remedies for constipation – linseed

Linseed contains many valuable health-promoting compounds, including dietary fiber, which is more in linseed than in nuts. Linseed can be used both as an addition to dishes, as well as pour water and eat it in the form of a thick gruel. What’s more, they can also be used as an egg substitute, e.g. when preparing a cake. It is best to drink linseed before going to bed.

Remedies for constipation – herbs

Drinking herbs is one of the proven treatments for constipation. Herbs that support the work of the intestines and have laxative properties are: cumin, chamomile, lemon balm, licorice root and green tea. They can be drunk both in the form of decoction and tea. They produce mucus that covers the walls of the digestive organs – this makes the food pass through more easily.

Ways to get constipated – enema

An enema helps in treating both constipation and intestinal cramps. It is a procedure that cleans the intestines of fecal masses that accumulate in the large intestine. If left over for too long, they can cause bowel, kidney, bladder and liver disease. An enema is also given when the medicine cannot be given by mouth. It facilitates not only getting rid of constipation, but also intestinal spasm and ulcerative enteritis.

An enema at home can be prepared in the following ways:

coffee enema – bring a liter of water to the boil and add 3 tablespoons of freshly ground coffee. Simmer the mixture over low heat for about 15 minutes. After this time, strain it, discard the coffee grounds and cool the liquid to body temperature. Coffee enemas, according to doctors in the field of natural medicine, remove bacteria, fungi and toxins from the intestines. However, this is not a type of enema for pregnant women, as excess caffeine is inadvisable in their condition.

lemon enema – boil a liter of water and add freshly squeezed lemon juice to it. Before it is released into the anus, it must be strained. This type of enema has a beneficial effect on the bacterial flora and regulates the pH of the intestines. As a result, it reduces constipation and puts putrefaction and fermentation in the gut to a halt.

Remedies for constipation – glycerol suppositories

Glycerol suppositories are used by people who want a full bowel movement to occur quickly – the drug starts working a few minutes after applying it. It is a laxative for adults and children, containing active glycerol and stearic soaps to increase peristalsis and facilitate bowel movements. For adults, one gram suppositories are intended; for children – two-gram suppositories.

Contraindications to the use of glyceryl suppositories are allergies to even one of their components, kidney failure, cancer of the rectum, inflammation of the abdominal cavity, appendicitis. Both adults and children over 6 years of age can take 1 to 2 suppositories at one time at night. The laxative effect occurs within 1 hour of application.

How to apply glycerol suppositories?

The glycerol suppository should be inserted slowly and gently. At the time of applying the drug, the person to whom it is administered should relax the muscles so that it does not short-circuit – otherwise the application of the suppository will be difficult. When taking the drug, it is recommended to lie down, e.g. on your back with your legs up or on your side with your legs tucked under your chest.

How to prevent constipation?

Constipation is a problem that we can fight by introducing minor changes to our lifestyle.

1. Change your diet

Changing your eating habits is by far the best way to prevent constipation. First of all, the diet should include more fiber, which retains water and increases the volume of stools – as a result, it stimulates the work of the intestines. In addition to fiber, vegetables and fruits should be included in the diet. It is also worth drinking at least 1,5 liters of water a day and avoiding fats and sugar.

2. Avoid stress

Many people have problems with bowel movements precisely because of anxiety and chronic stress. An effective means of supporting stress reduction is physical activity – it is worth, for example, exercising 3 times a week (at home or at the gym). A good result can also be achieved by walking, cycling and performing various muscle relaxation exercises. In addition, it is also worth finding time just for yourself every day.

3. Avoid being in a sitting position for a long time

Sitting for many hours not only increases the likelihood of constipation, but also increases the risk of disease. It prevents the body from using all the calories provided to it and therefore turns them into adipose tissue – as a result, the circulatory system is damaged. Long-term sitting also strains joints and ligaments and can cause headaches.

4. Change your habits when using the toilet

Contrary to appearances, the way you use the toilet also depends on your well-being. In order to avoid constipation, but also to improve digestion and facilitate defecation, it is recommended to defecate half an hour after a meal – it is worth setting specific hours for this purpose. Second – go to the toilet as soon as you feel the need. Moving the stool into the anal canal makes it easier to sit in the elevated knee position.

Constipation in pregnancy

Constipation in a pregnant woman may appear at any stage of pregnancy, although it most often occurs in the second and third trimesters. Irregular defecation causes a woman to feel uncomfortable. The cause of constipation is hormonal changes in the woman’s body, which make the muscles of the intestines less efficient – the cause is an increased level of progesterone.

The cause of constipation in pregnancy is also an enlarged uterus – the walls of the organ begin to press against the intestines and thus impede their peristalsis. Constipation also occurs as a result of an inadequate diet – the most important contributing factor is eating hard-to-digest dishes and containing a lot of carbohydrates and little fiber and water. Eating too many sugary snacks and drinking beverages with synthetic dyes can also cause constipation.

Constipation also occurs at the beginning of pregnancy. For a pregnant woman, stool excretion is important for her health as it allows her to get rid of unsubstituted phosphorus, nitrogen, bacteria and toxic compounds. In order to avoid constipation, a pregnant woman should follow a diet containing a large amount of fiber from the first trimester and take care of physical activity.

Constipation in pregnancy – symptoms

A pregnant woman who has problems with constipation has difficult or infrequent defecation. It is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness resulting from the excess of gases that cannot escape due to hard stools. Other symptoms of constipation are flatulence, a hard abdomen and sometimes abdominal pain. A woman in this state may feel anxious.

Constipation in pregnancy – treatment

Drugs that help to cure constipation during pregnancy are the glycerin suppositories mentioned earlier and lactulose. Lactulose is a syrup that causes the collection of more water in the intestines – as a result, their peristalsis increases. Lactulose starts working after about 24 hours and you should drink up to 3-4 tablespoons of the preparation. Prescription medications are also available, but these are only used when other methods do not help.

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