Constipation in infants – the problem of healthy and sick children

Infant constipation occurs when passing stools is painful and intermittent (less than twice a week), and the poo itself is hard. It is a common problem in young children, but just passing stools occasionally does not mean that the child is constipated. In some cases, constipation may be a symptom of more serious diseases.

Constipation in infants – symptoms

O constipation in a child we say when it is painful and intermittent – less than twice a week – and your baby’s poo is hard, sometimes with traces of blood. Moreover constipation may be accompanied by symptoms such as crying, abdominal pain or feeling unwell and irritable. In situations where constipation is caused by a disease, it may be associated with gas, vomiting, fever, decreased appetite, weight loss and reduced weight gain.

When the stool passes at a reduced rate but is soft in consistency, this is not constipation.

Constipation in infants – causes

Na constipation allergy sufferers suffer more often. Constipation it may be caused by dysfunction of the intestinal microflora (e.g. after administration of an antibiotic). The most common cause constipation there is a change, diversification of the diet. Incorporation of additional nutritional elements in child is a significant change for him, beyond constipationmay also cause diarrhea.

In addition, they may be caused by:

  1. improper nutrition,
  2. Hirschsprung’s disease,
  3. cystic fibrosis,
  4. hypothyroidism,
  5. taking certain medications.

Moreover, the problem constipation it touches more often dzieciwho need increased care – dzieci with cerebral palsy, spina bifida or those with Down syndrome. children Breastfed people can have a bowel movement even once every few days, so a reduced stool frequency alone is not a sign of constipation.

Constipation in infants – treatment

In the first months of a baby’s life constipation they occur least often when child is fed directly from the mother’s breast. Base treat constipation is the diagnosis of a specialist. The pediatrician will assess whether the infant or newborn is properly nourished and that the child’s weight is growing at the correct pace. If u child diagnosed constipation, the first step is to add more water or pasteurized juice. Ad hoc, baby an enema may help. Your doctor may advise you to start medications for treatment constipation in infantsthat produce a soft stool that will pass more than twice a week; glycerin suppositories can also be used. A proper diet (rich in fiber, vegetables and fruits) and a sufficiently high amount of fluids consumed are also important for the proper an infant’s bowel movements. If the specialist decides that constipation in a child is caused by an illness, you may need to be hospitalized.

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