Constipation in a child – what do they result from?

My daughter is 13 months old and she does not want to eat any food other than milk or porridge.

Previously, she ate the soup without any problems, and now she waves her hands at the sight of the approaching spoon and there is no chance that she will open her mouth. He eats an apple, pear, banana or grapes with his hands, or children’s snacks such as corn crisps or rice wafers, but there is no chance of a carrot or some other cooked vegetable. I would not be so worried about this problem if it were not for the constipation that has been with us for 4 months. My daughter did not want to drink anything, but I managed to persuade her to try apple compote and drink about 400 ml of it a day. What could I give her to eat to help her constipation and be best eaten with my hand?

~ Angelika

The described symptoms do not indicate that the child’s behavior is particularly abnormal. Children have somewhat bizarre dietary preferences during their lifetime, and as long as they do not compromise normal development, this should be left to the running. However, I would suggest teaching the child to eat with a spoon so that the habit of eating with his hands does not become established, because it will be a problem in kindergarten. Please regulate constipation with lactulose, because the child eats food that regulates the stool (it follows from the description), and extending the diet to other high-fiber foods is not yet possible due to the child’s age.

Read also: Constipation in children

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