Constipation for a street gate: latch, latch, do it yourself

The gate is part of the fence, the purpose of which is to prevent strangers from entering your site. Therefore, it must be closed. Constipation should be such that not only does it not open itself, but also ensures reliability and aesthetics. There are a lot of varieties and methods of constipation. Consider some of them and tell you how to do it yourself.

Types of constipation on the gate

Types of constipation

There are many locks for street gates on sale, each of which has its own characteristics, for example:

  1. Latches.
  2. Spring bolts.
  3. Shchekoldy.

You can also find electric strikes on the gate for sale. Having a sufficient level of security and reliability.


If there is no desire or possibility of acquiring a locking mechanism, then you can design a constipation on the gate with your own hands. Most often, land owners prefer to make their own:

  • Self-closing latch on the gate.
  • Gate lock with latch and rope.
  • Spring lock.
  • Secret castle.
  • Screw constipation.

The creation of each of the listed locks on a metal or wooden gate has its own characteristics.


Variety of heck on the gate

The popularity of the latch on the gate is largely due to the effectiveness of such a device. There are many varieties of such constipation, and making it with your own hands from improvised means is quite simple. Here is one of them, for this you need:

  1. We prepare the basis of the locking mechanism in the form of a plate 3 mm thick with dimensions of 10 * 10 cm with holes along the edges of ⌀ 3-4 mm.
  2. We weld in the middle by welding to it a bolt for fastening the latch.
  3. We make a flat and narrow plate with a thickness of at least 3 mm and a width of 3 cm. At the same time, its length should not exceed 10–15 cm and we drill a hole for the bolt on the edge.
  4. We fix the locking lever and, having installed it horizontally, we weld the stop under it. The stop will not let the lever go down.
  5. Attach the opening handle to the main locking plate.
  6. Fix the finished latch on the gate door.
  7. We make a hook in the form of a triangle with a slot for locking and fix it on the edge of the gate opening, focusing on the position of the latch on the door. After installation, the locking lever must move freely up and down.
  8. To open from the outside, pull the cord lifting lever.
Decorative latch with lever release from below


The gate latch is one of the simplest and most common types of constipation. Such a valve can be one-sided and two-sided. Bilateral differs in that the valve has two control knobs. The second one goes outside.

A simple latch on a wooden gate

One-sided can only be used for constipation from the inside, or if placed high enough, it can be opened and closed through the top.

If performed in a two-sided version, then you can install it anywhere, as long as it is convenient to use.

A metal rod 15–20 cm long and a tube along its diameter. For manufacturing, it is required to prepare at least three rings. Two of them will be located on the gate, and the third one will be fixed to the edge of the fence. Although this is not necessary and a hole can play its role.

Necessary actions:

  1. We make and fasten metal rings in the right places. They can be fixed using a welded joint or welded to the base and then bolted.
  2. We install the locking rod so that the opening of the gate door is completely blocked.
  3. We weld the emphasis on the locking rod, which will also play the role of a handle.
  4. When installing a double-sided latch, we do everything on the plate.
  5. We weld two handles to the locking rod at once. At the same time, the handle facing the street should be longer.
  6. We make fastening on the gate under constipation.
  7. We cut a slot for the handle and install the structure.

You can see a little more about the double-sided deadbolt in the video:

Do-it-yourself production should not cause difficulties. Such constipation on a corrugated boarding gate is especially convenient.

spring bolt

To construct a spring bolt with your own hands, you must first prepare the necessary tools and materials. Of the tools you will need: grinder,

Spring lock

welding machine, hammer and drill, material – steel plate (3-4 mm thick and 10-15 cm long), steel bar (⌀ 10-12 mm), a piece of tube according to the diameter of the rod, spring, cotter pin. Further:

  1. A piece of steel bar 20–25 cm long is cut off.
  2. Bend it at a right angle 5-10 cm from the edge.
  3. A steel plate is cut to the specified dimensions, after which two small guide rings are welded onto it from a pipe 2 cm long.
  4. Drill a hole with a diameter of ⌀3 mm in a steel bar for a cotter pin.
  5. Depending on which edge the hole will be, the constipation will open or close itself.
  6. The cut steel bar is inserted into the welded rings. While inserting the rod, put a spring and a washer on it. The washer should be on the side of the hole.
  7. The plate, which is the basis for the mechanism, is welded to the fence.
  8. The third ring from the tube, which will include the bolt, is fastened to the opening by welding. If the design allows, then you can simply drill a hole for the rod.

Varieties of constipation

In addition to the varieties described above, the following types of locking mechanisms are suitable for self-production:

  1. Screw constipation. Mounted from the outside. The locking mechanism includes a threaded rod, the basis of the key variety. It has a specialized notch. Opening occurs using a special key that sets in motion the locking system. The castle of the screw type is quite simple to build on your own.
    screw constipation
  2. Secret castle. With the help of a special key, a rotary gear mechanism is set in motion, which ensures the opening and closing of the door.
  3. Gate lock with latch, cord in the inner part. During installation, a latch is used, in the shutter of which there is a hole with a cord fixed in it. The second end of the cord is placed in an accessible place for use on the outside. To open the gate, you need to pull on it.
Retractable gear bolt

With the independent manufacture of one or another type of locking mechanism, it is required to carefully study the features of their design.

Features and varieties of automatic locking mechanisms

In the absence of even minimal experience and knowledge in the manufacture of wicket locks, it is better to purchase a finished device in a store. On sale you can find both simple locks, and for the operation of which an electric current is required. Some have the ability to remotely open and close.

Electronic padlock with key opening

Electromechanical devices combine mechanical and electronic components. It is impossible to make such a lock with your own hands without skills in electrics. Functioning is based on the work of an electromagnet. It looks like a padlock, and the opening is done using a magnetic key or code.

But most often, to open the locking mechanism at the entrance, a tablet key, an electronic card, or a code is entered. In the event of a power outage, the door can be opened from the inside by releasing the lock or, if provided, using an ordinary metal key.

The advantages of electromechanical locks include ease of use, high resistance to burglary, the ability to combine with an intercom, and the presence of a sound signal.

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