Constipation during pregnancy
Is constipation normal during pregnancy and how to deal with it? We answer these and other difficult questions together with a gynecologist

What is constipation?

Constipation is irregular bowel movements with rough, sweaty stools. At the same time, bowel emptying is disturbed, the intervals between emptying increase. Constipation is the most common gastrointestinal problem. Up to 40% of pregnant women face this problem!

Constipation can be chronic, episodic or situational. If constipation torments you for too long and often, this is a reason to see a doctor, because during pregnancy there are risks up to a miscarriage.

Causes of constipation in pregnant women

Why do almost half of pregnant women face such a serious intimate problem? There is an explanation for this. The fact is that during pregnancy there is a large concentration of the hormone progesterone, it relaxes the uterus and intestinal muscles. Also, the situation is aggravated by a sedentary lifestyle of a pregnant woman, so try to at least walk. This rule, of course, does not apply to those who are prescribed rest – if the doctor has recommended bed rest, you need to obey him. And, of course, food. Ugly food intake, eating unhealthy foods, lack of fiber in the diet, non-compliance with the drinking regime – all can lead to constipation.

Symptoms of constipation in pregnancy

  • no stool for 2-3 days. Normally, a healthy person goes to the toilet 1-2 times a day;
  • the need to make efforts during the act of defecation – the intestines cannot defecate on their own;
  • fecal masses decrease in volume;
  • the state of feces changes – it becomes dry, hard;
  • feeling of incomplete bowel movement.

What to do with constipation during pregnancy

  • In the presence of the above symptoms, pregnant women should consult a doctor or at least ask him a question remotely. Osmotic and laxatives are not contraindicated for expectant mothers, but before using them, they need to consult a gynecologist. In no case do not delay in contacting a doctor. Unfortunately, sometimes constipation can be a symptom of a more serious problem;
  • Do not try to take medicines on the advice of friends or from the Internet – they may be contraindicated during pregnancy;
  • During the bearing of a child, attempts and excessive tension of the abdominal muscles are undesirable. If you do not pay attention to the problem for a long time, then inflammation of the rectum, colitis, anal fissure may develop;
  • There are also several physical exercises, including swimming in the pool, which improve blood circulation in the abdominal cavity, stimulate the intestines. But before doing them, you should consult your doctor.

You also need to know that when a woman does not defecate for a long time, toxins accumulate in the body: they suck blood through the intestinal walls.


Be sure to consult a doctor so that complications do not develop. Your doctor will take your history and recommend treatment for you. Sometimes everything is managed only by diet therapy – you just need to adjust the diet, you need to drink the amount of water, as the problem goes away.

Your doctor may order tests to check your iron levels. If you have a deficiency, then there may be disturbances in the functioning of the intestines.

Modern treatments

Basically, constipation in pregnant women is treated with diet therapy. Medicines for constipation are prescribed only if changes in diet and physical activity are ineffective, and the normalization of nutrition plays a leading role.


  • it is better to exclude dairy products. The fact is that milk protein is one of the most indigestible, and can cause constipation;
  • drink enough water. Ideally – 1,5-2 liters per day. Remember, this amount does not include tea, juices, coffee, only pure water;
  • eat dried fruits. Prunes will be especially useful;
  • your diet should have a sufficient amount of fiber – fruits and vegetables, both baked / boiled / stewed, and fresh;
  • add foods that are rich in magnesium to the menu. These are nuts, green vegetables (lettuce, arugula), sunflower seeds;
  • don’t get carried away with coffee.

Also, methods of treating constipation in pregnant women include physical activity – only with the permission of a doctor. Pregnant women can recommend yoga, walking, swimming.

If there is no improvement after physical activity and diet, then the doctor will prescribe medications to alleviate the condition and combat constipation. Medications include lubricants that contribute to the formation of bulky stools, laxatives, enemas.

Prevention of constipation in pregnant women at home

The doctor highlights several preventive measures for constipation in pregnant women:

  • Lifestyle modification: increased physical activity, sports, physiotherapy exercises;
  • correction of the diet, namely the inclusion of a large amount of dietary fiber;
  • optimization of the drinking regime.

Popular questions and answers

Answers to popular questions of expectant mothers gynecologist, nutritionist Natalya Belyaeva.

How to eat with constipation during pregnancy? What should be excluded, and what should be added to the diet?

Diet is a fairly effective measure for constipation in pregnant women. You need to consume a lot of fiber. It is not digested, but only swells, while the volume of feces increases and bowel emptying improves. The diet should include fresh cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, zucchini, pumpkin, beans, peas, apples, oranges, black bread, nuts. Fermented milk products, kvass, cabbage soup (fermented products) have a sufficiently optimal laxative effect. Useful vegetable fats, prunes. The use of fiber in the form of nutritional supplements approved for use during pregnancy is effective.

It is necessary to limit the use of strong tea and black coffee, cocoa, chocolate, white bread, flour soups.

What is the risk of constipation?

Unfortunately, complications of gestation are possible, such as: threatened miscarriage, premature rupture of amniotic fluid, premature birth.

Along with other negative consequences, chronic colonic stasis leads not only to the activation of opportunistic intestinal microflora, but also to changes in the microflora of the genital tract.

Also, constipation can lead to the appearance of anal fissures, recurrent hemorrhoids.

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