Constant hunger: why it occurs and what to do

Perhaps the constant urge to consume food is a habit? We figured out all the reasons for eternal hunger.

Everyone has a feeling of hunger, but some people want to eat absolutely always and it doesn’t matter that he just ate a huge portion of pasta or smacked pizza on both cheeks, and alone. What is the reason and what to do, the specialist said.

Certified Health Couch, partner and head of educational programs “Lecture Hall” of the healthy food supermarket “Gorod-Sad”.

Hunger is the physiological or psychological need of the body for food. Therefore, when you have this feeling, it is necessary to correctly recognize its nature. Conscious eating will help you with this, where the basic and basic habit is the ability to accurately determine the cause and degree of your hunger. In a fit of desire to eat something, stop and ask yourself the question: “Am I hungry? Am I feeding my body or emotions now? Is it really worth eating now? ” Observe yourself, look inside your mind and body. It is this pause that will give you results.

If you have had a rather long interval between meals, then everything is clear with this, and you do not need to starve yourself. But there are times when we want to seize stress or, on the contrary, some kind of joyful event – in such cases, we need to make the right choice “to eat or not to eat”.

However, there are fairly obvious reasons for persistent hunger, which largely depend on how much food you eat, your daily routine, health status and physical activity.

Main reasons:

1. You stay up late.

During sleep, the hormones leptin and ghrelin are produced. Leptin is a satiety hormone that sends a signal to the brain to stop eating. Ghrelin works the other way around, signaling to the brain that we are severely hungry. So when we don’t get enough sleep, leptin levels drop (and we feel like we’re not filling up on the usual amount of food) and ghrelin production increases (we are hungry all the time). The more tiredness from lack of sleep, the more and more we want to eat!

2. You are dehydrated

First, drink a glass of water, if the feeling does not go away – another, and if after that the hunger does not go away, you are definitely hungry!

Hunger is often confused with thirst.

3. Wrong breakfast

It is very important that your breakfast is rich and nutritious. If you have a preference for carbohydrates, especially fast ones (sweets, pastries, muffins, etc.), then it is not surprising that you are hungry. Blood glucose rises quickly, gives you energy for a short time, and drops just as quickly. Therefore, you feel hungry very quickly.

Breakfast should contain protein and healthy fats to be satiated. For example, eggs, avocados, nuts, fish, or meat. Alternate the days when you eat porridge (long carbs) with nuts (pecans, cashews, or walnuts), on other days omelet or smoothies (berries + peanut milk + avocado). Add green color to each meal (cilantro, parsley, arugula, spinach, broccoli and other vegetables).

4. Foods that stimulate appetite

If you are addicted to coffee, then feeling full is not the way to go. With this “travel companion” you will definitely eat more than you need. The same goes for the apple, it is always better to combine it with nuts and other foods that saturate. This will give you a feeling of fullness throughout the day.

5. Low fat foods

Do not be afraid of fat in foods, be afraid of excess carbohydrates in the diet. It is from them that the constant production of insulin comes and entails fluctuations in blood sugar. Which ultimately leads to diseases such as type 2 diabetes mellitus.

6. Correct snacking

Nuts and seeds (remember to soak them before eating), coarse fiber-rich vegetables (carrots, beets, celery), high-fat yogurt, or avocados are good choices.

An important rule when composing your diet – your breakfast, lunch and dinner should contain proteins, fats and long carbohydrates, excluding fast and low-fat foods. This way you won’t get hungry for a long time. And then you will get rid of constant thoughts about food, and will occupy yourself with more useful thoughts.

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