Consequences of the Rh-conflict between mother and fetus

Consequences of the Rh-conflict between mother and fetus

Rh-conflict between mother and fetus is a very dangerous condition that complicates the course of pregnancy and leads to undesirable consequences. Let’s figure out where the blood conflict comes from and what to do if you have a Rh-conflict.

How does the Rh-conflict between mother and fetus arise?

In 50% of cases, during conception, the embryo inherits the Rh factor from the father. Rhesus conflict between mother and child occurs when a woman has a negative Rh and a positive partner. In other cases, the likelihood of Rh-conflict is not.

Rhesus mother-fetus conflict is a dangerous condition that needs to be diagnosed as early as possible

If you are at risk, then do not despair. The probability that during the first pregnancy there will be a blood conflict is only 10%. This happens because the body produces enough immunoglobulin, which prevents the fusion of the baby’s red blood cells and the antibodies in the mother’s blood. However, if the girl previously had an abortion, survived a blood transfusion, then the likelihood of a blood conflict increases.

In women at risk, the likelihood of Rh-conflict develops during the second and subsequent pregnancies, especially with a small gap between them. To avoid this, even after the first birth, a woman is given an injection of immunoglobulin.

There are other reasons for the development of Rh-conflict:

  • diabetes mellitus in mom;
  • cesarean during the first birth;
  • abortion;
  • gestosis;
  • flu or acute respiratory infections during pregnancy;
  • blood transfusion;
  • heredity.

It is very difficult to suspect the presence of a blood conflict on your own. After all, there are no clinical manifestations of this condition. Women at risk must undergo regular examinations, go to preservation after the 20th week of pregnancy and follow all the doctor’s prescriptions.

Consequences of the Rh-conflict between mother and fetus

Incompatibility between mother and child leads to premature birth, jaundice of newborns, fetal anemia, edema, an increase in heart weight, and damage to internal organs.

During pregnancy, a woman experiences polyhydramnios, thickening of the placenta, accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity of the fetus, and enlarges the liver and spleen.

In especially severe cases, all internal organs and tissues of the fetus, the central nervous system are damaged by decay products, which leads to intrauterine death or miscarriage. Often, children with such complications are born dead or die in the first hours of life.

Prevention will help prevent the development of pathologies. From the first days of pregnancy, mom is given immunoglobulin injections on schedule

In severe cases, blood tests are taken weekly. At the discretion of the doctor, after the 20th week of pregnancy, the fetus is given intrauterine blood transfusion, which makes it possible to carry out full bearing and delivery.

You will learn more about the Rh-conflict in the video, which will answer all the questions. Remember to visit your doctor regularly, remember that feeling good is not a reason to stay at home.

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