Consequences of combining aspirin with alcohol

Many believe that taking an aspirin before a meal leads to less intoxication and a person stays sober longer. But proponents of this method do not know how dangerous the combination of drugs and alcohol can be. I will tell you how you risk taking aspirin with vodka or other alcohol.

Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) is a drug that has analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects. It is also taken to thin the blood. The instructions do not mention the ability of aspirin to fight intoxication, but this does not stop homegrown doctors. It remains only to understand why this happens.

Because of the acid, taking multiple aspirins can indeed slow down the effects of alcohol, but this effect comes at a high price. Since it is impossible to predict subsequent chemical reactions in the body.

From their practice, doctors know that taking aspirin before or after vodka can lead to severe allergic reactions, stomach ulcers and intragastric bleeding. In the most severe cases, a person can have a heart attack or stroke, with a high chance of death. Drinking aspirin with alcohol is very harmful.

Consequences of combining aspirin with alcohol
Combining aspirin with alcohol is dangerous!

Aspirin for a hangover

A headache with a hangover is caused not so much by poisoning of the body as by the formation of micro blood clots in the vessels of the brain – blood clots. This is where aspirin can come in handy as it thins the blood and acts as a pain reliever.

But you can take pills only 10-12 hours after the last glass of alcohol has been drunk. If this is done earlier, there is a high risk that aspirin will interact with alcohol residues, leading to the consequences described above.

Hangover treatment should not end with just taking aspirin, here you need an integrated approach that allows you to remove the remnants of alcohol breakdown from the body. I wrote about such methods earlier, I advise you to follow the link and learn more about them.

Consequences of combining aspirin with alcohol
Aspirin cures hangover

Conclusion: you can take aspirin with a hangover, but not more than one tablet per day. This will relieve an acute headache and normalize blood circulation. But its simultaneous combination with alcohol can lead to serious consequences and even death.

Attention! Self-medication can be dangerous, consult your doctor.

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