This term is often used by Western cosmetologists. “Conscious care” begins at the moment when skin care stops being a duty or a routine and turns into a kind of philosophical understanding of oneself.
Calls to love yourself, cherish, cherish, take care of the skin, radiate beauty, we hear all the time. Another thing is how sincerely we follow them. Let’s be honest, self-care for many is a duty. Still, because he constantly comes down to the struggle, which does not inspire.
In youth, we are at war with pimples, shine and chubby cheeks. Then – with ultraviolet and urban aggression. After – with wrinkles and pigmentation. And so on, ad infinitum. It turns out that day by day we are forced to recapture our beauty and youth from nature, spending money, nerves, and most importantly, time, which is already scarce. It would seem, what is there to love?
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But there comes a moment when this marathon suddenly becomes pleasant and conscious. Which, of course, changes and brightens up life. There are many starting points for such changes. For example, when you suddenly realize that efforts have a visible benefit.
“From my youth, I hated cleansing my skin,” says 35-year-old Karina. – Easy to go to bed in makeup. And if she didn’t paint, then she simply rinsed her face with water. But, after reading a few cosmetic articles, I began to force myself to do it. Gel, milk, eye wash, tonic … How they pissed me off! Every evening she delayed the moment until the last. And then she could hastily wipe off her makeup with a damp cloth and, cursing herself, fall asleep.
The situation was changed by a donated Clarisonic brush-gadget. A friend explained to the girl for a long time how effective skin cleansing is with this brush. Karina decided to check. Every day I diligently whipped the foam on my face with a vibrating bristle. And a week later I heard from a cosmetologist, whom I had been going to for many years: “I didn’t see your skin in such an excellent condition even in the early 2000s.” And from that moment, according to the woman, cleansing brings her conscious joy. As well as the rest of the care.
Beauticians can tell a lot of similar stories. At the same time, adding a fly in the ointment in the form of complaints that such a “gadget”, as in the situation with Karina, could have appeared in life earlier. But everything has its time.
“When you are young, taking care of your skin consciously and lovingly is difficult. Yes, acne cosmetics give results, but its very presence causes complexes and irritation in adolescents, ”explains dermatologist and cosmetologist Alexandra Sinelnikova. And if the skin is without any problems, then care and creams seem to the girls to be something senile and distant.
Another thing is makeup, which allows you to transform and attract attention. Therefore, young people are happy to spend money on lipstick shades, without thinking about the existence of makeup bases or cleansing lines. In youth, everything gets away with it and is quickly forgotten.
“Mom enrolled me in makeup classes, tired of my countless experiments with her cosmetics. It was great there. In addition to techniques and decor secrets, we were given the basics of care, talking about aging and the effects of bad habits and stress on the skin. I was scared. And for another month, I carefully followed the care. I did not see much difference, and the fear was gradually forgotten. I focused only on decorative cosmetics. I know that this is wrong, and, probably, subconsciously I am waiting for some kind of kick from life. But so far he is gone,” the story of 17-year-old Nastya once again proves that conscious care is a matter of age and life experience. And every girl comes to this at some point. If, of course, it comes.
union treaty
Understanding that without proper skin care you will look worse than your peers comes closer to 30 years. Accumulated stress, fatigue, circles under the eyes and the first wrinkles can no longer be erased by a 10-hour Sunday sleep, as it was in my student years. But cosmetics can do it.
So unexpectedly, care turns from a burden into a true ally, pushing makeup into the background. Masks become close friends, able to eliminate traces of sins and bad habits in 10 minutes. Peels are guaranteed to smooth the skin and improve its tone. Eye gels eliminate circles. And creams return the longed-for comfort and youth.
But these are only the first steps of conscious withdrawal. Seeing its results, sensible girls who no longer want to deal with fading are increasingly beginning to ask themselves: what else can I do for my skin? A whole crowd of specialists is in a hurry to answer this question, through the efforts of which a conscious withdrawal can easily turn into a paranoid one.
Without extremes!
#beautymaniac – this common Instagram tag can be called everyone who takes care of themselves too consciously. These girls are so afraid of aging that they are ready to fight the windmills of age every minute.
The manufacturer’s dream, they instantly sweep away all the new products, apply several masks a day, diligently protect the skin from dust, ultraviolet radiation, computer radiation and other misfortunes. Serums, preserums, oils and mists – these advanced divas have all the latest achievements in cosmetology in their arsenal.
Colossal sums go down on cosmetologists, injections, early plastic surgery, etc. But such an obsession does not help them look significantly better than their peers. After all, busting in care and loading the skin with the most active influences does not lead to anything good.
Rules of life
Conscious care is, first of all, consistency, calmness and real requirements for yourself and cosmetics. Understanding why, when and what to apply to the skin. For example, at night during sleep, the skin is restored, freed from toxins. Therefore, the means that help her in this are so important.
But if you had to stay awake until dawn, girls who take good care of themselves will help the skin survive this stress. They will apply a restorative mask, moisturizing patches under the eyes and try to get enough sleep during the day or go to bed earlier. They also reasonably approach skin cleansing, understanding that it is necessary, but at the same time it should be as gentle as possible.
“Cleansing is the foundation of beautiful skin, but stop scrubbing your face! You don’t have to do it every day. So you will only violate the natural pH and immunity of the skin. Once a week this procedure is enough,” comments Elena Lykova, dermatologist, cosmetologist, SkinCeuticals brand expert in Russia.
Yes, and professional peels should be treated with restraint. Acid and laser, of course, they give a quick result, but with frequent use they wear out the skin and provoke age spots in the future.
On balance
Another feature of mindful leaving is a calm interest in everything new. If you have finally chosen a set of products for yourself, the result of which you are satisfied with, then you should not change everything when you see a promising advertisement for an advanced cream.
On the other hand, science does not stand still, and every year new frontiers are reached in the fight against aging. Therefore, do not deny the skin additional help to preserve youth. Just remember, any remedy needs at least two weeks for visible results. Be patient – this is also part of conscious leaving.