Manuscripts do not burn, money does not smell, repeating jokes is stupid …
In Hollywood, it’s the other way around. There’s a great remake out of an old joke. So the 1977 Homeric comedy «The Adventures of Dick and Jane» is now «joked» again.
The sarcastic George Segal and the energetic Jane Fonda are replaced by the gutta-percha Jim Carrey and the adorably ridiculous Thea Leoni. The rest is in place.
The ideal life of the spouses is turned upside down: the company in which the husband flourished turned out to be involved in fraud. The future is hazy, the bills are real. But Dick and Jane find a non-standard method of paying utility bills — robberies and scams. Funny and useful to watch. With rising housing prices…
Starring: Jim Carrey, Thea Leoni, Alec Baldwin, Richard Jenkins.