Connective tissue: definition, types, diseases

Connective tissue: definition, types, diseases

Definition of connective tissue

These tissues, totally absent in the most primitive animals constitute the majority of the body mass of evolved organisms like the body of the human being. It is the most abundant type of tissue in our body. It represents two thirds of the total volume.

The two types of connective tissue

There are two types of connective tissue:

Unspecialized connective tissues 

Their role is involved in the support mechanism and ensures the link between the other tissues

More differentiated connective tissues

Whose role is to ensure the protection and isolation of organs.

Connective tissues

What is called connective tissue is therefore the set of the following tissues:

  • loose tissue (or fatty tissue);
  • dense tissues (tendons, ligaments);
  • cartilages;
  • bone tissue;
  • blood tissue.

All of these connective tissues provide the support and cohesion mechanics of the tissue cells of an organ, as well as the functions of nutrition, exchange and defense of the organs they surround.


These connective tissues are made up of three main substances:

  • proteins (collagen);
  • sugars (GAG: glycosaminoglycans);
  • of water, in varying abundance.

Collagen fibers are flexible and resist tensile forces in tissue. The elastic fibers allow themselves to be stretched to return spontaneously to their initial length. They enter into the constitution of connective tissues of organs subjected to significant variations in volume.

Associated diseases

Hereditary diseases

Some inherited diseases cause abnormal connective tissue to form in the body. Hereditary connective tissue diseases usually appear in childhood and persist throughout life.

Children’s affections

There are over 200 childhood conditions that are caused by these connective tissue defects. We can cite :

  • the Chondromalacie rotulienne,
  • Loose skin,
  • syndrome d’Ehlers-Danlos,
  • Tendinopathie patellaire.

The other causes

There are therefore hereditary conditions, but also conditions, some of which have no obvious cause.

Among the best known of them, there are:

  • lupus erythematosus,
  • rheumatoid arthritis,
  • scleroderma,
  • dermatomyositis.

Connective tissue examinations and interpretations

Most inherited connective tissue diseases are diagnosed on the basis of symptoms and clinical manifestations.


But other types of examinations may be necessary in order to make a further diagnosis, such as:

  • an x-ray, which can show bone abnormalities that may be associated with connective tissue disease;
  • a biopsy: a tissue sample is taken from the patient, usually under local anesthesia, which makes the procedure painless since the area is numb. The tissue sample will be analyzed under a microscope;
  • or gene analysis: genetic analysis, usually performed on a blood sample, can help the doctor diagnose certain hereditary diseases. The results of this test can be used to confirm a diagnosis or to monitor disease progression.

The diagnosis

The diagnosis of connective tissue disease is made based on the specific symptoms of each disease, a complete medical examination and blood tests.

In some cases, the symptoms of one disease have so much in common with those of another condition that it is very difficult to tell them apart.

The doctor can then make a diagnosis of overlap syndrome or undifferentiated connective tissue disease.

Treatments for connective tissue diseases

Treatment for connective tissue diseases is unique depending on the specific medical condition of each patient.

Specific treatment depending on the organ affected

Treatments will depend on the organs affected, drugs to control specific problems can be used.

In most connective tissue related diseases, doctors use both drug treatments, and may also develop an exercise program to help alleviate stiffness, prevent progression of joint damage, increase muscle strength, strengthen muscles. cardiac functions as well as controlling the patient’s weight and energy level.


Regular exercise is recommended to help relieve pain and manage stress. When the disease is latent, it is recommended to do exercises to prevent the muscles from weakening.

During the phases when the disease is active, health professionals alert the patient to the obligation to leave his body at rest, in order to prevent muscle fatigue.

Hot / cold application

The alternation of hot / cold application is also heavily used for pain relief. The heat helps relax sore muscles and reduce joint pain. The cold helps reduce pain and swelling.


Surgery may be an option for the patient if the disease does not respond favorably to other treatments. Depending on the disease diagnosed, surgical procedures could consist of cleaning damaged joint tissues, reducing spasms of blood vessels responsible for poor circulation, eliminating calcium deposits under the skin, etc.

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  1. Men ikki yildan buyon balezeno Reno kaslligi bn kasallanib kelmoqdaman har 6 oydan davolanib chiqdim afsuski Yana xuruj boshlandi

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