Coniferous yew tree: photo
Yew is a tree that grows throughout Europe, partly in Asia and Africa. People call it greenery and non-greenery. Different types of yew trees can beautifully decorate a park or a personal plot.
The average height of the tree is 27 m, and its diameter is 1,5 m. The crown is shaped like an egg, it is very dense, often multilevel. The bark is red, with a gray tint. It can be smooth or lamellar. Many dormant buds can be seen on the trunk. The needles of the needles are dark green and short – 2,5-3 cm in length. Almost all parts of the yew tree are poisonous.
Yew is a tree that will decorate your summer cottage
There are many types of yew. The most common ones are:
- Berry. Covered with decorative bright red berries. The main disadvantage is that it grows very slowly.
- Pointed. It can grow both as a small shrub and as a tree up to 20 m in height. Frost resistant, withstands temperatures down to –40 ° C.
- Nana. One of the most beautiful miniature yew species. Height from 30 cm to 1 m.
- Average. A hybrid of the first two species. A beautiful tree with increased frost-resistant properties.
- Pyramidal. It features a pyramid-shaped crown and a thick trunk.
These types of yew are suitable for growing in our country.
Growing coniferous yew tree
Yew loves light and well-fertilized soil. Some species of this tree require special soil. For example, berry yew loves less acidic soil, pointed yew loves more acidic, and medium prefers neutral or alkaline soil. The main thing is that the ground is not too wet, this harms any type of yew. Before planting, make sure that the groundwater flows far away, as the roots of this tree go deep underground.
To plant a yew tree, dig a hole 50 cm to 2 m deep. It is necessary that the root collar of the seedling be flush with the ground. The yew hedge will look good. Dig a deep trench under it immediately. The width of the trench is 65 cm for a single row hedge and 75 cm for a double row.
The optimal time for planting is spring.
Apply any mineral fertilizer to the ground before planting. Then apply such fertilizer under the tree every spring. In the first few years of life, water the yew once a month, pour 10 liters of water under it at a time. In the future, you can reduce the frequency of watering.
Take a look at the photo of the yew tree to understand why it is so loved. This is a really beautiful coniferous tree that is different from its counterparts.