Congestive prostatitis in men
The likelihood of developing congestive prostatitis always increases with age. Due to the disease, inflammation can occur, it reduces the quality of life, causes discomfort. In this article, we will tell you what you can do to avoid congestive prostatitis.

According to statistics, prostatitis is one of the most common diseases with which a man turns to a urologist. In most cases, prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland, which is caused by various pathogenic microorganisms. With congestive prostatitis, a man also experiences pain and discomfort, but the causes of this pathology are different. What causes congestive prostatitis and how to treat it – we will analyze in our article.

What is congestive prostatitis

Congestive (or congestive) prostatitis is different from other forms of prostatitis. Inflammation of the prostate is always caused by an infection. In this case, there are no signs of inflammation, no infectious agent (bacteria). With congestive (congestive) prostatitis, it is more correct to talk about congestive processes in the prostate than about its inflammation1. Congestion in the prostate affects men of any age1. The reasons for this condition may be different.

Causes of congestive prostatitis

Any form of prostatitis, in fact, is associated with stagnation of the secret in the prostate gland. Therefore, we can say that congestive prostatitis is the initial phase preceding inflammation of the prostate.

All causes leading to congestive prostatitis can be divided into two groups2:

  • stagnation of blood in the pelvis;
  • congestion of the prostate secretion.

With congestion in the pelvis, blood circulation is disturbed. A sedentary lifestyle can lead to circulatory disorders, as well as vascular diseases that cause impaired blood flow in the organs.2.

Varicose veins or simply being upright for a long time also cause congestion. The reason may be in a congenital disorder of the blood supply to the prostate itself. Prolonged sexual intercourse or their constant interruption can lead to a violation of the blood supply to the pelvic organs.

Violation of the outflow of prostate secretion is the second group of causes for the development of congestive prostatitis. Congestion in the prostate can occur even in men who lead an active life and play sports. Stagnation of the prostate secretion can cause the absence of sexual life, its irregularity or prolonged abstinence. The situation will be aggravated by masturbation, which a man often resorts to in the absence of sexual intercourse.3.

Physiological conditions that are not controlled by a person can also cause secretion stagnation, for example, incomplete emptying of the prostate during orgasm.

Symptoms of congestive prostatitis

Complaints of patients with congestive prostatitis are very similar to the symptoms of infectious prostatitis at an early stage, but less pronounced. Most often, a man is worried about:

  • aching pain in the lower abdomen;
  • irradiation of pain in the sacrum, perineum and inner thighs;
  • frequent urge to urinate, especially in the morning;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • decrease in sexual desire, decreased erection;
  • “erased” orgasm and discomfort with it.

In some cases, congestive prostatitis may be asymptomatic. The only manifestation may be an increase in the viscosity of the sperm and the appearance of lumps in it after ejaculation.

With the addition of a bacterial infection, the symptoms become more pronounced. The temperature may rise, chills and other signs of acute prostatitis may appear.

Treatment of congestive prostatitis

Treatment of congestive prostatitis is usually not difficult, unlike infectious. However, you can’t get rid of congestion in the pelvis on your own. The help of a doctor is needed.


The diagnosis is established by a urologist or andrologist. Since congestive prostatitis often occurs against the background of poor circulation, a comprehensive examination is carried out to exclude varicose veins, hemorrhoids and other vascular problems. If age-related hormonal disorders are observed, they also donate blood for hormones.

The condition of the gland and nearby veins is examined by palpation through the rectum. Ultrasound allows you to examine the prostate in more detail, but, unfortunately, not from all sides – part of the gland is “hidden” behind neighboring organs.

Fluid from the prostate and urine are examined in the laboratory to determine the presence of infection and to understand which antibiotics these bacteria are sensitive to.


Treatment of congestive prostatitis is usually conservative and not particularly difficult.


An important role is given to physiotherapy. The doctor may prescribe a special gland massage, electrophoresis, electromyostimulation. LOD-therapy and ultrasound therapy show a good effect.


Problems with stools and gas increase the pain, as pressure on the prostate increases, blood stasis increases. To prevent this from happening, increase the proportion of vegetables and fruits in the diet, drink plenty of fluids.

It is very important to follow all the recommendations of the doctor and not to self-medicate. Otherwise, congestive prostatitis can easily become infectious.


The doctor prescribes drugs that stimulate blood circulation in the pelvic organs and improve metabolic processes in the body. Special attention is paid to vitamins and enzymes.

Folk remedies

Pharmacy herbal preparations of herbs reduce inflammation and improve urination. But even if an infection has not joined congestive prostatitis, it is impossible to cure only herbal teas. Herbal decoctions are useful as a prevention of congestive prostatitis and as an addition to the main treatment. Before doing this, you should consult with your doctor.

Prevention of congestive prostatitis

The main goal of preventing congestive prostatitis is to prevent the causes that cause it.

An active lifestyle, playing sports, walking in the fresh air will help to avoid stagnation of blood in the small pelvis. Avoid exacerbation of chronic diseases. Do not overcool and organize a complete balanced diet. Avoid alcohol abuse and smoking3.

Regular sex life will help prevent stagnation of the secretion of the prostate gland. Do not practice prolonged sexual abstinence and interruption of sexual intercourse. Starting from the age of 30, it is recommended to undergo an annual preventive medical examination.

Popular questions and answers

Why is congestive prostatitis dangerous, can it be cured at home without medical help, and also answers other popular questions general practitioner Mikhail Lystsov.

Why is congestive prostatitis dangerous?

– In itself, a stagnant state in the prostate is not dangerous. With the right treatment, it can be easily corrected. The danger is its complications. Congestive processes are always the initial stage of a more serious form of prostatitis. When the first signs of congestive prostatitis appear, consult a doctor immediately.

Can congestive prostatitis be cured on its own?

– As we said above, stagnant processes are formed not only in the prostate itself, but also in the small pelvis. It is probably possible to eliminate stagnation in the gland through an active sexual life, but stagnant processes in the small pelvis cannot be eliminated without the help of a doctor. You can not do without physiotherapy.

Why can congestive prostatitis occur in a young man?

– In young people, congestive prostatitis occurs mainly due to stagnation of the prostate secretion. The main reason is irregular sex life. Rare ejaculation leads to stagnation of fluid in the gland. Secretory fluid accumulates and contributes to the onset of the disease.

Another reason is insufficient blood supply to the gland. This affects people engaged in sedentary work, obese. An important factor is the presence of bad habits – the abuse of alcohol and smoking.


  1. Medical encyclopedia. Astrel, 2009.
  2. Practical urology. Guide for doctors. Glybochko P.V., Alyaeva Yu.G. Moscow, Medforum, 2012.
  3. Molochkov V.A., Ilyin I.I. Chronic urethrogenic prostatitis. Moscow, Medicine, 1998.

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