Syn.: hypothyroidism congenitus, cretynizm.
Def .: Congenital disorder due to decreased production of thyroid hormones.
– Disorders of the embryonic development of the thyroid gland.
– Iodine deficiency in the food of pregnant women (endemic form).
– Antithyroid drugs taken by pregnant women.
– Presence of pregnant anti-thyroid antibodies in the blood (rare).
Clinical: The most common are:
– CNS symptoms: newborns are not very active;
– skin symptoms: dry and cool skin, “bloated” face, enlarged tongue (macroglossia), brittle hair, sometimes myxedema.
Healing: Replacement therapy with thyroid hormones.
Year: Good. In untreated children, the possibility of irreversible changes in the CNS.
Lit.: [1] Djemli A., Van Vliet G., Delvin EE: Congenital hypothyroidism: from paracelsus to molecular diagnosis. Clin Biochem 2006, 39(5); 511-8. [2] Onigata K.: Congenital hypothyroidism. Nippon Rinsho 2005, 63; 105-10. [3] Shigemasa C.: Cretinism. Nippon. Rinsho 2006, 28; 329-32. 4-2006.
Source: A. Kaszuba, Z. Adamski: “Lexicon of dermatology”; XNUMXst edition, Czelej Publishing House