Confinement in solitude: what to do to avoid going crazy with thoughts

Confinement in solitude: what to do to avoid going crazy with thoughts


Maintaining routines and obligations, developing self-knowledge and concentrating on what depends on oneself and not on the environment are some of the keys they propose to overcome the threat of the coronavirus

Confinement in solitude: what to do to avoid going crazy with thoughts

Almost five million people face confinement in solitudeIf we look at the latest data from the INE, which estimates 4,79 million people who live alone. Of these, two million are over 65 years of age and almost three out of four are women (72,3%). In recent weeks, many voices from the field of psychology have been raised to give advice on how reconcile as a family during confinement or on how this situation can affect relationships. But what has perhaps not been heard as much are practical ideas for dealing with the threat of coronavirus lonely.

In this situation is Javier Iriondo, expert in personal development and author of “Life is waiting for you”, who affirms that the hardest part of this loneliness not always chosen is the isolation and precisely that “feeling of loneliness”, although it clarifies that there are differences between “being alone” and “feeling alone.”

One of the keys to living confinement in solitude in a constructive way is, according to Iriondo, to bet on the self-knowledge and for becoming aware of our inner world so as not to confuse what is going through our head with the reality. «We have to accept the situation in order to change it, recognize our fears, know that it is something that happens to all of us and listen to the message that those fears hide so that they do not paralyze us. Must take action and put the focus on the things that do depend on us, “he argues.

Another important aspect for this situation to be somewhat more bearable is to have Routines y discipline, that is, to force oneself to do the things that “we know we should do.” It is important, as proposed by Iriondo, become physically active every day, and also create a space to learn, read and listen to things that add value and knowledge, because that helps to prepare mentally, to be stronger and to be more positive.

And what do I do if I get worse?

“The fear of suffering is worse than him suffering», Explains Javier Iriondo, who assures us that the mind is a great« teller of horror stories »that anticipates distorted situations and makes us have a bad time unnecessarily.

One of Iriondo’s tips for those moments when we are invaded by sadness It is to change the focus and divert attention towards what really depends on us and not on the outside. As for example, connecting with good friends and people who contribute to us in life, because, as the expert assures, the sense of belonging it is inherent to the human being and helps a lot in these situations. In addition to this possibility of connecting with our own, it will also help to think about the reasons why, the reasons to fight, the illusions and the vision of A better future. “That will make it possible for you to immerse yourself in positive things that add value to you and that also make you love yourself more and accept yourself better,” he reveals.

And if someone can’t get out of the loop and feels worse every day, it’s time to ask for help. «When we enter negative spirals one of which it is increasingly difficult for us to get out, when sadness or anxiety invades us, it is time to ask for psychological help and the sooner the better, because with that help we will get out of that situation sooner, ”he clarifies.

Good routines if you live alone

The same vision is shared by Javier Iriondo, the expert in mindfulness expert and master in NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming), Paz Calap, who advises incorporating simple habits to the daily routine that allow you to be more comfortable with yourself and feel full and accompanied even if you are alone. «If you are from the group of people who live alone and you have not yet investigated your self-knowledge and personal development, now is the perfect time. The best Company that you can have in your life is yourself, always taking care of your physical and emotional balance so that it is a pleasant and pleasant company ”, he proposes.

It is true that, depending on the habits that have been acquired before confinement, some people will find it easier than others to be isolated, without seeing anyone and alone with themselves. Both for these people and for those who previously had an intense and active social life and now the house is thrown on them, the expert proposes these six routines that will help to feel present and accompanied by oneself.

1. When you wake up, be aware of yourself. «Start the morning by greeting you in front of the mirror and wishing you a good day. Smile kindly and thank life for giving you a new day, a new opportunity. Breathe consciously while doing this exercise, “says Calap.

2. Before breakfast, hydrate yourself. Have a glass of water with a splash of lemon and while you drink the water think about how good you feel about yourself taking care of your physical well-being.

3. Practice meditation. A simple meditation practice is to count numbers in your mind. Get into a comfortable posture, sitting with your feet flat on the floor or lying down. In both cases keep your back straight and relaxed. Close your eyes. With each breath count a number and draw that number in your head. When you take the air you think of the number 1, when you release the air you think of the number 2… So until you reach the number 40. If you get lost, nothing happens, start over with the number 1.

«Manage your thoughts, observing those that are coming, putting them aside and concentrating only on your breathing and in counting numbers. It is a simple practice that will help you clear your mind of negative thoughts and feel relaxed and calm, ready for the new day. ”Explains Calap.

4. Conscious eating. Eating alone does not mean eating sad, on the contrary. Think that the natural thing is to eat alone, not talk or have distractions such as television or mobile near to chew well and digest food to have a good digestion. It is a sacred moment that you have to honor every day.

Get into a comfortable posture, appreciate having food on your plate, and start eating mindfully. Remember to leave the cutlery on the table between bites to chew well and swallow the food when it is already transformed into liquid in your mouth. Be attentive to your breathing, a natural and conscious breath that makes you be present during the meal.

5. Exercise. There are tons of proposals for exercising at home. Look for exercises on Instagram, on YouTube or in apps according to your sporting level, never more intense, if perhaps softer. This is not the time to need a physio, much less a doctor. Be cautious. Take an hour to exercise and remember how important it is to stretch your body before and after exercise.

6. Practice visualizing at bedtime. Lying in bed with the light off, begin to imagine in your mind what you want to see come true in your life. If you are worried about losing your job, that negative thought will come to your mind again and again, it is about putting it aside and imagining yourself working happily and trusting that life is in your favor. Visualize what you do want to happen and put the negative aside.

A practical exercise can be to write on a piece of paper what person you want to become when the confinement is over and write a list of things you are going to do to transform you little by little, from this moment, into that person. You can include books that you are going to read, movies that you are going to see, or people with whom you are going to have a conversation.

And finally, remember that you are not alone, we are many people who are with you. Ask for help if you think it is necessary and you will have a thousand friendly hands that will support and accompany you at this time.

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