
Lord, give me strength… In the morning there is a meeting of the Distance group, a report should be written with examples and results. And what should I tell?

So I would have sat in thought if I had not taken Nikolai Ivanovich’s advice that you need to look for answers outside, and not inside yourself. With this thought, I went to my husband and asked: “Darling, I need your help. I need to formulate what are my results at the Distance for the past three days. Can you help?» My husband smiled, looked at me, and said: “Come on, tell me what you did, and I’ll tell you what you did.”

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​— I tried to be soft and reasonable with you, followed the topic of our conversations so that there was a result on each topic, tried to answer clearly the questions asked, indicated intentions, told you as much as possible what I was going to do and why. That’s all.

And you don’t see results?

— I see, but not the ones I would like to talk about. What can you say?

My beloved wife, I sum up your work at a distance for these three days:

  • She outlined her intentions for the next 15 years, convincing me that we needed a new apartment and a mortgage.
  • Notice I said «convinced» because you had rational, prepared answers to all my questions and there was not a single «I just really want to.»
  • No matter how I avoided this topic, we miraculously returned to it, because it was important to come to some kind of result and agreement.
  • During the entire discussion, there was never your monologue, there were, perhaps, more mine, because you were always interested in my opinion and thoughts. As a result:
  • I thought it was my brilliant idea, which you, as the best wife, supported.

You know, for these three days you get a «Five» for the exercises, and for a report on the success of the «Deuce». My wife should appreciate herself. That’s what you’re going to do next week.

It seems that the answers are really outside. If you do not see your results, ask your loved ones, they know better from the outside.

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