Confectioner’s Day 2023: the history and traditions of the holiday
Confectioner’s Day 2023 in Our Country is celebrated on May 3. This holiday is of great importance for all the sweet tooth of our country and people who help us to know all facets of confectionery art.

When is Confectioner’s Day celebrated?

Confectioner’s Day 2023 will be celebrated on the 3rd of May. Confectionery business in the country is developing at full speed. No celebration can be imagined without a delicious cake, sweet pastries, favorite sweets. Now a pastry chef is not just a chef who knows how to cook desserts. This is an artist, sculptor, technologist rolled into one. One has only to see the incredible works of art that professional confectioners can make from mastic, cream and dough, and you fall in love with this profession for life. And not everyone can resist the aroma of fresh baked goods.

Confectioner is a rather difficult profession. The person who has chosen it has been improving all his life in creating delicious pastries and various products. He must understand the production technology, composition, combination of certain products, have a refined taste and smell. But if you approach this with soul and diligence, then any business will be on the shoulder.

history of the holiday

Confectionery has its roots in a distant history, when people began to use honey, and a little later they learned how to extract sugar from cane juice. This was first learned in India in 850 AD.

For a long time, all sweets were purchased from the Arabs in the East. They are called the progenitors of confectionery craftsmanship. As sugar spread around the world, Italy became the founder of the confectionery business. Even the name of the profession “confectioner” has Italian roots: “confiere” – “cook in sugar.” The main achievement in the confectionery business was the discovery of sourdough, thanks to which they learned how to bake pies with yeast.

The first marmalade appeared during the period of the Crusades in the Middle East. Greek confectioners put fruit juice in metal dishes in the sun, which evaporated and made it thicker. By the twentieth century, European manufacturers of marmalade began to add fish glue, which was imported from Our Country. He gave the product a special taste and dense shape.

The first candy came about thanks to the ancient Egyptians, who accidentally mixed dates, nuts and honey.

The history of chocolate, which was first discovered in Mexico, is also interesting. Christopher Columbus, who landed on that land back in the XNUMXth century, was offered a chocolate drink by the locals, which he did not like much, but the Spanish conquistador Cortes appreciated the exquisite taste of chocolate and predicted a great future for him in Europe.

The first chocolate factories in Our Country appeared in the middle of the 140th century. The most famous of them is Babaevskaya. By the beginning of the XNUMXth century, there were already more than XNUMX confectioneries in the country.

In 1932, the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the Confectionery Industry was established in the USSR. He was tasked with tracking product quality, analyzing and introducing new technologies into the production process. It is believed that it was this event that served as the emergence of a new holiday – Confectioner’s Day.

Holiday traditions

Confectioner’s Day 2023 in Our Country will be fun, festive and, most importantly, sweet. This event is always accompanied by master classes, competitions for the title of the best master of the “sweet” business, tasting and festive concerts. Each confectioner strives to show his professionalism and stand out among others.

A nice gift for any of them on this day will be all kinds of cooking equipment and tools, baking dishes, a beautiful apron, gift certificates from professional pastry shops. You can also donate training at master classes by more experienced and eminent masters of confectionery art. After all, the opportunity to gain new skills, knowledge and skills will not leave anyone indifferent, and if a person has a desire to develop in his business, then you can never stop in professional growth.

How to become a pastry chef

If there is a desire to get a professional education in the field of confectionery, then the best way to do this is to enter specialized universities, which are quite a lot in our country. For admission, you will need a high school diploma and the successful passing of exams. The learning process will take four years, after graduation the student receives a bachelor’s degree.

You can also study confectionery after the 9th grade by entering a technical school. There, specialists are trained in 22 months. However, employers often prefer specialists with higher education.

If the desire to become a confectioner arose at a later age, and there is no way to study for several years, then in the age of information technology development there are many courses to acquire skills in this profession, where in a few lessons you will be trained to a novice confectioner, and in a few months they will make you a professional in your field. affairs.

Interesting Facts

  • In Turkey, there is an unusual delicacy in which they add chicken, rice flour, cinnamon and sweet milk.
  • In Thailand, chocolate-covered crickets are served. Not everyone dares to taste such a dish, but the locals like it.
  • In Japan, they love their famous wasabi so much that they even make ice cream out of it. It has a spicy spicy taste.
  • Our Country once had its own traditional delicacy – “honey bread”. It was made from honey, rye flour and berry juice.
  • Several centuries ago in Europe, they claimed that chocolate had magical and healing properties, but if there was a misfortune, then they blamed it for everything.
  • The croissant was first invented in Austria, and not in France, as has always been thought. There is a legend according to which the Viennese baker Wendler prepared the first croissant in honor of the failure of the Turkish army during the siege of Vienna.
  • The chocolate river from the movie “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” was actually made. It took more than 500 liters of water, cream and chocolate to create it.
  • The largest toffee was made in Norway and weighed about one and a half tons.

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