Conditions for growing clematis from seeds

Conditions for growing clematis from seeds

Growing clematis is a great way to decorate your garden. This plant blooms from June to September, the variety of varieties allows you to fill the garden with many colors, and the aroma of clematis will conquer anyone. For this flower to add flavor to your garden, it must be properly grown and cared for.

Rules for growing clematis from seeds

The fresher the seeds are, the more likely they are to germinate. Ideally, you should plant seeds harvested in the current year. If you want to keep them for several years, wrap them in paper and keep them at a temperature of + 18 … + 23 ° С.

Growing clematis is not a difficult task.

You need to sow seeds depending on their size. Large seeds are sown immediately after harvest, that is, in late autumn – early winter. Medium-sized seeds should be sown immediately after the New Year holidays, well, small seeds are sown in late March – early April. Before sowing, the seeds should be soaked in water for 10 days, and the water should be changed 4 times every day.

Sow seeds into a mixture of sand, peat and earth. The optimum temperature for their germination is + 25 … + 30 ° С. From time to time, you need to pour some water into the sump and remove the weeds. When the first leaves appear, the seedlings are planted in separate pots, and after the last frost minutes have passed, they are transplanted into the ground. Areas in the shade with light soil are suitable for planting.

Conditions for growing clematis

Here are the basic rules for caring for clematis after planting in the ground:

  • You need to water the flower once a week, and at the peak of the summer heat – 2-3 times a week. At a time, a young flower “drinks” 10-20 liters of water, and an adult – 20-40 liters.
  • A day after watering, the land around the plant must be loosened and all weeds removed.
  • In the first year, you can do without fertilizers at all or reduce their amount to a minimum. In the future, you need to fertilize the flower. The fertilization scheme is as follows: with active growth, nitrogen fertilizers during the formation of buds are potash, after the end of flowering, phosphorus and after pruning, mineral.

Most of all, clematis are afraid of fungal diseases, especially rust. It covers the stems and leaves with orange spots. Later, the leaves darken and dry out. Clematis is resistant to viral diseases. In rare cases, viruses can infest the plant from insect pests.

As you can see, growing clematis from seeds is not so difficult, but if you are still worried about this, you can buy ready-made seedlings and plant them in your garden. In any case, it is important to provide proper care for this flower.

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