Conditions for growing cannes in the garden
Cannes require special growing conditions; these are rather capricious flowers. But if you manage to cope with them, your garden will burst into flames with all fiery shades.
The choice of cannes for growing in the garden
Canna is a flower native to America and China, but several centuries ago it spread to many countries of the world. In translation, the name of the flower means “reed” due to its specific thick stem. According to legend, the first canna grew up on the site of an Indian fire that marked the beginning of a bloody war. Hence the bright color of the flower, shades of fire and blood.
Growing cannes begins with the selection of a suitable site
In nature, there are about 50 varieties of cannes, but 3 varieties are of particular interest to gardeners:
- Crosey. Low-grade variety, height from 60 to 160 cm. Distinctive feature – dark green leaves with white bloom and bronze tint and originally curved flower petals.
- Orchid. The average height is 1-2 m, the flowers are large, about 15 cm in diameter. The edges of the petals are corrugated. The leaves are green with a purple tint.
- “Deciduous”. The maximum height is 3 m. The flowers are small, up to 6 cm in diameter, but especially bright.
You can grow any of the varieties described in your garden.
Find a sunny area in your garden that is hidden from drafts. The soil at the planting site should be fertile, rich in organic matter. For planting, prepare a soil mixture of coarse sand, peat, humus and leafy soil. Take all ingredients in equal proportions.
Plant a flower no earlier than May 9th. By the time of landing, the weather should be stably warm, the ground should be warmed up. Temperature changes after planting, at best, will lead to a delay in canna development, at worst – to a lack of flowering. If you are unsure of the weather in your area, place a layer of fresh manure at the bottom of the planting pit. It will heat up the plant.
Before planting, germinate the canna rhizome at a temperature of 20-24 ° C
Place the germinated rhizome in the hole, dig in it with the prepared soil mixture. Maintain a plant spacing of 50 cm.
Feed the canna with potash fertilizer 2-3 times a season. This should be done immediately after watering. After fertilizing, loosen the soil. With proper care, the plant will bloom 1,5-2 months after planting.
At first glance, it is not clear what kind of flower we have in front of us. It looks like an amazing mix of banana with orchid and gladiolus. This plant is mesmerizing. If you consider yourself a real florist, be sure to try growing one.