Conditions affecting the shelf life of moonshine (vodka, alcohol)

Turbidity of crystal clear moonshine (if more than 10 days have passed after dilution with water) and (or) the appearance of a precipitate in the form of flakes is a sign of improper storage. Often, not only the appearance deteriorates, but also the quality. We will consider the parameters that affect the shelf life of moonshine. By creating the right conditions, the drink can be left for decades. But just one mistake can ruin a product irrevocably. All the above tips are also relevant for other strong drinks: vodka, ethyl alcohol, cognac, whiskey, etc.

1. Tara

The most important factor on which the shelf life of strong alcohol depends by 80-90%, since alcohol is an active substance that reacts with most materials, which is fraught with the release of harmful impurities. At home, glass bottles, bottles and cans for preservation are ideal containers.

It is better to use bottles from state-owned vodka (with a “native” cork), into which no other substances were poured. If there were food or liquids in the containers even for a short time, then the containers must be thoroughly washed and dried before use, and then checked for the presence of foreign odors that could spoil the aroma of the distillate.

Another prerequisite for containers for storing moonshine is tightness. In the open air, alcohol evaporates quickly. Even a poorly screwed cork (lid) can cause a decrease in strength due to evaporation, leaving only water. Corks should fit snugly around the neck of the bottle.

It is better to roll up cans with steel lids, since they are more reliable and safer than nylon ones. Nylon is one of the types of plastic that, when in contact with alcohol, can release harmful substances, this will be discussed later.

Conditions affecting the shelf life of moonshine (vodka, alcohol)
Metal lids are preferable to nylon ones

It is impossible to pour moonshine into containers where non-food products, such as gasoline or glue, were previously stored, since it is very difficult to wash such containers with a guarantee, the risk of irretrievably spoiling the distillate is very high.

For very large volumes, industrial stainless steel drums are recommended. Food grade stainless steel, like glass, does not react with alcohol, so it is safe. But aluminum cans and enamelware are not suitable.

Conditions affecting the shelf life of moonshine (vodka, alcohol)
Barrels made of food grade stainless steel – a good solution for large volumes

It is strictly forbidden to store moonshine and other alcoholic beverages with a strength above 15-20 degrees in plastic containers, the only exception is a special one designed for strong alcohol plastic, but this material rarely appears in retail sales.

Alcohol corrodes most plastic bottles, as a result, moonshine becomes cloudy, flakes or loose sediment appear at the bottom, and an unpleasant odor. There were times when alcohol “burned through” thin plastic through and through.

Conditions affecting the shelf life of moonshine (vodka, alcohol)
Cloudy moonshine in a plastic container

But even if moonshine has not visually changed after storage in a plastic bottle, this does not mean that the drink is safe, many harmful substances cannot be determined organoleptically (by taste and smell). When alcohol reacts with different types of plastic, carcinogens such as formaldehyde (phenol) and styrene are released.

Many home distillers prefer to store moonshine in oak barrels. Sometimes such a decision is justified, but this method has a number of disadvantages. First, you need to purchase and prepare a barrel for use, create normal storage conditions, including temperature and humidity, then periodically check the safety of the barrel. Secondly, evaporation should be taken into account – regardless of the volume, losses at best will be about a liter of filled distillate per year. Thirdly, the taste of moonshine will change. Therefore, I consider barrels as a method of preparing a separate drink, but not a container for storage.

Conditions affecting the shelf life of moonshine (vodka, alcohol)
After aging in a barrel, moonshine changes color and taste

2. Composition

Moonshine may contain third-party additives (except for alcohol and water): sugar, citric acid, herbal extracts, fruits, berries, other substances that improve the aroma or taste of moonshine, as well as essential oils and other impurities remaining due to improper distillation and (or) cleaning. It is impossible to predict how all these substances will behave during long exposure.

It all depends on the composition, concentration and chemical reactions of third-party components between themselves on the one hand, and alcohol on the other. Usually, natural additives precipitate or become cloudy when exposed to direct sunlight, which only worsens the visual perception of the drink, but does not affect the quality.

The general rule here is to store moonshine with additives for no more than a year, and for several years and longer, lay only well-purified distillate or alcohol diluted with high-quality water without the addition of third-party substances.

3. Conditions

The right temperature and humidity, along with the lack of sunlight, will block or slow down most chemical reactions. This is very important in the case of storing moonshine with additives, but it is also desirable to create optimal conditions for a “clean” distillate, especially if the drink is stored for a long time – 3-10 years.

I recommend placing the container with moonshine in a dark room (or at least protect it from direct sunlight) with a temperature of 5-20 ° C and a relative humidity of 85%. Be sure to periodically check the appearance of the drink and the tightness.

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