Condensed milk

Now it is already very difficult to imagine life without everyone’s favorite condensed milk. Despite the fact that it was used most actively among our compatriots, in fact, the idea of ​​​​creating condensed milk belongs to the French confectioner Nicolas Appert, who was the first in the history of cooking to propose the original idea of ​​​​storing milk in cans. [1]. At first it was just milk, as it was stored longer in tins and did not absorb foreign odors.

Production process

During the production of condensed milk, fatty cow’s milk is processed at a temperature of about 60 degrees, which allows, on the one hand, to evaporate excess moisture, and on the other hand, to preserve the maximum amount of useful properties of natural milk [2]. In the process, sugar is added to milk, and condensed milk is obtained, which not only retains all the beneficial properties of regular milk, but is also much better absorbed by the body due to the fact that it does not contain lactose, unlike regular milk. In addition, its shelf life is significantly increased (condensed milk can be stored for about a year), while natural milk will not withstand so much. During the entire storage time, all useful vitamins and minerals, as well as trace elements are preserved in condensed milk. A truly high-quality condensed milk acts not only as a good dessert, but also as an excellent replacement for pure dairy products.


The idea of ​​pasteurizing milk and storing it as canned food first arose when there was an unfortunate case of children being poisoned with milk. It was then that confectioners first thought about how to create such milk that would be a safe and at the same time useful product. In addition, the resulting product had to fulfill another very important function: to be suitable for consumption by people who cannot tolerate dairy products.

Only in the middle of the 19th century, the American Gail Borden gave the world the condensed milk we are used to by creating the first apparatus in the world at that time that made it possible to condense milk by adding sugar to it. Just over 20 years later, a plant was already built and launched in Russia, which produced condensed milk in closed cans. Since then, since 1881, condensed milk has become a very strong part of our lives, and we cannot imagine a country without this product.

In Belarus, in the city of Rogachev, there is a real monument to condensed milk. This monument was erected in 2013, when the plant that produced canned milk turned 75 years old. [3]. A so-called time capsule was put into the base of the monument, which was bequeathed to be opened when the plant celebrates its centenary.

Composition of condensed milk

The main advantage of condensed milk is that it is both natural and highly nutritious. It is obtained from whole cow’s milk, which is subjected to heat treatment to evaporate excess moisture. Despite this, condensed milk retains all the same beneficial properties that natural milk has. In this case, it is necessary to choose only a natural product made from whole milk. [4].

Condensed milk is based on a combination of milk itself and a large amount of sugar, so this is a very high-calorie product that is completely unsuitable for those who are on a diet or follow their diet for medical reasons. Naturally, it should be avoided by those who have diabetes. Everyone else can only rejoice that condensed milk is not only very sweet and tasty, but also healthy. Perhaps, it can rightfully be considered one of the most useful and delicious sweets in the world, which children eat with great pleasure.

Composition of condensed milk (per 100 g) [5]
Vitamin PP0,2 mg
B2 (riboflavin)0,2 mg
B9 (folic acid)2 mg
B3(PP)0,8 mg
B6 (pyridoxine)0,1 mg
B12 (cyanocobalamin)0,4 mg
E (tocopherol)0,2 mg
Mixed29 mg
Trace Elements
К318 mg
P224 mg
S69 mg
Mg30 mg
are282 mg
Na124 mg

The calcium contained in condensed milk contributes to the normal development of bones and teeth, supports the normal functioning of cells and strengthens muscles. Vitamin A normalizes vision. Phosphorus, which is also found in condensed milk, improves brain function and supports the nervous system, as well as stimulates the restoration of blood cells.

How to choose

In order for condensed milk to bring you exclusively benefit, you need to choose it correctly. [6]. Give preference to trusted manufacturers and remember that a really good product cannot be cheap, since a considerable amount of milk is needed to produce condensed milk [7] [8].

Condensed milk is divided into several types:

  1. With the addition of sugar, the popular term “condensed milk” refers to it.
  2. No added sugar, that is, just concentrated milk.
  3. From pure cow’s milk with the addition of sugar and chicory (has a bitter aftertaste).
  4. Condensed milk with cocoa or coffee.
  5. Boiled condensed milk with caramel flavor, which is obtained after heat treatment of ordinary condensed milk.

Modern manufacturers often make condensed milk from vegetable fats with the addition of skimmed milk powder, so be sure to read the composition before buying something. [9].

From a medical point of view

If you consume condensed milk in moderation, about 1 or 2 teaspoons per day, it will bring exceptional benefits. The substances contained in condensed milk help stimulate the immune system and have a positive effect on the entire body. However, it is important to remember that, like any other product containing sugar, condensed milk causes a sharp jump in blood sugar levels and gives a burst of energy, which then drops sharply. That is why it is recommended to use it in very metered amounts in order to avoid unpleasant jumps in blood sugar levels. But if your work is associated with heavy intellectual or physical stress, a small amount of condensed milk will only benefit, as it very quickly restores the body’s energy potential, improves performance and, thanks to its taste, improves mood.

Is it possible to eat condensed milk on a diet

Many are interested in the question of whether it is possible to eat condensed milk on a diet. Unfortunately, despite a wide range of useful properties, condensed milk has been and remains an extremely high-calorie product, which is absolutely contraindicated for those people who watch their figure or want to lose weight. This is due to its high sugar content. So if you are on a diet, you should choose some other dessert that contains fewer calories. Of course, if you add a couple of teaspoons of condensed milk to your coffee, nothing bad will happen. However, the diet usually involves eating fewer calories than the body needs. The body needs about 1400 calories per day, and a can of condensed milk contains 1200 of them, so it is absolutely not suitable for those who are losing weight.

A recipe for low-calorie fritters

However, if you really want to, you can cook an analogue of condensed milk, only from skimmed milk. It is a good alternative to the traditional product. To create a dietary condensed milk, you need:

  • 150 grams of dry milk;
  • milk with a minimum fat content (0,5-1%);
  • sugar substitute to taste;
  • corn starch – 1 tbsp.

All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed, and then simmer over low heat for 2 hours until the resulting mass thickens. After cooling, pour it into another container and refrigerate. Naturally, this condensed milk will not be as tasty and definitely not as healthy as natural, but it contains much fewer calories. It will help to cope with the diet of those who love sweets very much and cannot deny themselves for a long time.

Used in cosmetics

It is hard to imagine, but in fact, condensed milk is quite often used in cosmetology. For example, one well-known London hairdresser uses condensed milk in his work. According to him, the use of condensed milk when dyeing hair helps to avoid overdrying and serious damage.

Of course, hair coloring using condensed milk requires a certain skill, but you can make masks from condensed milk even at home. For example, if you suffer from dryness and flaking of the skin, you can use the following recipe: take one tablespoon of berry or fruit juice and add 1 tablespoon of condensed milk there. The resulting mass should be applied to those areas of the skin that are particularly affected by dryness and flaking, leave for 15 minutes, and then rinse well.

You can even use condensed milk-based hair masks. To do this, you need to take one banana, grind it in a blender, add a little natural oil (wheat germ oil is best), one teaspoon of yogurt, honey and condensed milk. This sweet tasty mixture must be applied to the hair, wrap your head well and warm your hair, you can use a hair dryer. Keep the mask for 30 minutes and then rinse with warm water. Your hair will thank you.

Sources of
  1. ↑ Wikipedia. – Condensed milk.
  2. ↑ Information portal “How”. – How is condensed milk made in production and at home?
  3. ↑ Monuments of the Gomel region. – Monument to condensed milk in Rogachev.
  4. ↑ Electronic fund of legal and regulatory and technical documentation. – Interstate standard (GOST): Canned milk. Boiled condensed milk with sugar.
  5. ↑ U.S. Department of agriculture. – Milk, condensed, sweetened.
  6. ↑ Magazine “Milk Processing”. – Canned milk. The truth about condensed milk
  7. ↑ Koneva E. Yu., Bessonova O. V., “International Student Scientific Bulletin”, 2015. – Quality control of sweetened condensed milk from various manufacturers.
  8. ↑ Russian quality system (Internet portal). – Research: condensed milk or condensed milk.
  9. ↑ Journal “Bulletin of the Orenburg State University”. – Influence of various vegetable fats on the quality of recombined sweetened condensed milk.

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