According to statistics provided by pediatricians and traumatologists, a concussion in a child is one of the most popular injuries. This is no wonder: children constantly strive to climb somewhere, climb, or vice versa jump from a height, often hitting their heads. Sometimes this happens through the fault of the parents: for example, due to an oversight, the baby can roll and fall off the changing table or bed, fall out of the stroller. In any case, a concussion in a child is an injury that requires immediate medical attention. After all, sometimes a hemorrhage in the brain can be hidden behind a small bump, and then the count is already going on for minutes.
Doctors distinguish three degrees of concussion in a child: first (mild), second (medium), third (severe).
In the first degree, there are usually no symptoms, or the child may complain of a mild headache or dizziness, which resolve on their own within half an hour.
With a second-degree concussion, the child has pain and dizziness, and nausea may occur.
In the third degree, the child loses consciousness, hematomas may appear. One of the most serious complications is hemorrhage, which can lead to cerebral edema and coma.
Symptoms of a concussion in a child
The main symptoms of a concussion in a child:
- possible loss of consciousness (lasting from a few seconds to 5 minutes);
- respiratory failure;
- convulsions;
- nausea, vomiting;
- headache, dizziness;
- double vision in the eyes;
- increased sensitivity to light and noise;
- drowsiness;
- disorientation in space;
- clumsiness, unsteadiness of gait;
- slow understanding and reaction;
- problems with sleep.
– A concussion in a child is a form of traumatic brain injury, so you need to seek medical help. The doctor will carefully examine the child, assess his condition and give the necessary recommendations for treatment and recovery. It must be remembered that after a head injury there may be a light gap. For example, after losing consciousness, the child feels good, and it seems that there are no problems. Such a period of imaginary well-being can last from several minutes to several hours, after which a sharp deterioration occurs. This is a sign that the child has not just a concussion, but a more serious injury that requires a mandatory call for help. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the child not only after the injury, but in the next day, – says pediatrician Lilia Khafizova.
Treating a concussion in a child
Treatment of a concussion is prescribed by a doctor, you can not let the situation take its course in order to avoid serious consequences.
– First of all, you need to examine the site of the bruise, for bleeding and damage to the skin. After that, a clean bandage, a napkin and cold should be applied. Also in medicine, special scales are used to assess consciousness and the degree of damage. After examining and evaluating symptoms, a decision is made on the need for additional examination methods. Methods such as neurosonography, radiography, CT, MRI, fundus examination can be used. These diagnostic methods are used to exclude other, more serious injuries, such as a skull fracture or a concussion of the most severe – third degree. The concussion itself is a change at the level of cells. They are not visible on the pictures, but it is clear that there are no fractures, hemorrhages, etc., – clarifies pediatrician Liliya Khafizova.
Modern treatments
Treatment of a concussion is prescribed by a doctor after examining and assessing the condition of the child. If the condition of a small patient inspires fear, he is hospitalized. If there is no threat to life, he is sent home for treatment. As a rule, a child under the age of 6 is observed in a hospital so as not to miss complications such as convulsions and respiratory arrest.
At home, treatment includes bed rest – no computers, TV and other gadgets! Maximum rest is the best remedy for a child with a concussion.
– First aid for a concussion in a child is quite simple: first you need to treat the wound, and apply cold to the impact site. If necessary, you need to give painkillers (drugs based on ibuprofen and paracetamol are allowed for children), as well as consult a doctor who will examine the child, assess his condition and give the necessary recommendations. Medical therapy for concussion is rarely required. The most important thing in the treatment of a concussion is complete rest: physical, emotional and intellectual, especially in the first days after the injury. But there is no need to go to extremes, completely abandoning the way of life familiar to the child. The return of loads should be gradual, dosed and in each case is selected individually. If a child goes in for sports, it is important that he fully recovers before returning to training as usual, says Lilia Khafizova.
Prevention of concussion in a child at home
Preventing a concussion in a child at home is quite simple: keep an eye on your child. Many mothers and fathers complain: the baby grows up like a fidget, you can’t even see him on the playground, and strives to climb a tall tree or horizontal bar. Explain to your child that climbing to a height is dangerous, because it is so easy to fall from there, hit your head or break something and then walk in a cast for a long time. Tell him that swinging hard on a swing is dangerous, and even more dangerous is being around when someone else is riding on a swing. Explain that you don’t need to run fast either, because it’s so easy to stumble and fall, breaking your knees or head.
Tell older children that you don’t need to solve the dispute with your fists, because a blow can come to the head, and this entails serious health consequences.
If the child is still very small, do not leave him alone on the changing table or on the edge of the bed, make sure that his playpen has high sides, and he is well fastened in the stroller. When a child is just learning to walk, make sure that furniture with sharp edges and corners or stairs do not come across in his way. When traveling by car, do not neglect the safety rules and be sure to transport the child in a child seat, and in public transport, take him in your arms or hold him tightly so that he does not fall and hit his head during sudden braking.
Popular questions and answers
The pediatrician Liliya Khafizova answers.
When should you see a doctor for a concussion in a child?
– loss of consciousness (regardless of how long it lasted);
– respiratory failure;
– convulsions;
– nausea, vomiting;
– discharge of a clear liquid or bleeding from the nose, ear;
– pupil asymmetry (different pupil diameter on the left and right);
– if the blow fell on the bone above the ear;
– the age of the child is up to a year or its condition is difficult to determine;
– rise in temperature after injury;
– if after a seemingly weak blow a large swelling or bruising has formed;
– if there are gait disturbances, instability;
– the child does not see well, has become drowsy, or vice versa, is overly excited;
– if you can not calm the child;
– complete refusal to eat and drink;
– a symptom of glasses – bruises appear around the eyes on both sides.
All these symptoms after any injury scream that urgently (!) Medical assistance is needed.