Computed tomography of the heart – an alternative to coronography. When to perform and how is a cardiac CT performed?

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Disturbing changes in the heart or the detection of abnormalities in its functions requires specialist diagnostics. The method of identifying the specificity of problems with this vital organ of the human heart is computed tomography of the heart. This is one of the most accurate and minimally invasive tests that a cardiologist can refer to.

Cardiac computed tomography – when is it worth doing?

Computed tomography examination allows for imaging diagnostics of internal diseases. For this purpose, x-rays are used and, in most cases, a contrast agent. Computed tomography shows great effectiveness in cardiology, especially when there are contraindications to other procedures, such as invasive coronography.

Doctors may order a CT scan of the heart when:

  1. you are at risk of developing coronary heart disease;
  2. the results of other tests (eg ECG) are not sufficient to establish a diagnosis;
  3. want to assess heart function, including systolic and diastolic parameters;
  4. it is necessary to qualify the patient for a cardiac surgery;
  5. it is planned to monitor the patient’s health after surgery or prophylactically in groups at increased risk of developing coronary heart disease.

Based on cardiac CT tests it is possible to detect heart defects, valve malfunction, pulmonary embolism, pericardial diseases, aortic aneurysms, atherosclerosis, calcifications, post-infarction scars and other cardiovascular abnormalities.

  1. Read also about the usefulness of computed tomography in examining blood vessels.

Many other non-invasive tests are also used in the diagnosis of heart disease. These include ECG, heart echo, X-ray, Doppler examination, scintigraphy and magnetic resonance imaging of the heart.

Is cardiac computed tomography safe?

The use of modern technologies is extremely important in the area of ​​diagnostic research. The aim is to ensure that the tests are as little invasive as possible and do not cause complications in patients. That is why computed tomography has found its place in the pool of diagnostic tests of the heart. Although it has its drawbacks, it has fewer contraindications than coronography – it does not require the insertion of a catheter into the coronary vessels.

Contraindications for computed tomography concern:

  1. people allergic to a contrast agent;
  2. pregnant women who should not be exposed to x-rays;
  3. people after therapy with radioactive iodine;
  4. patients with renal insufficiency.

Preparation for cardiac computed tomography

The first step in performing a cardiac computed tomography is a medical interview and gathering the current diagnostic tests. You should also have blood tests for creatinine a few days before the test. The test must be up-to-date, so it should not be older than one week. If the result is correct, it indicates that the kidneys are in good condition and that the contrast agent can be administered safely. People with diabetes and taking metformin should stop taking the drug 2-3 days before tomography.

On the day of the scheduled cardiac CT scan the patient should be on an empty stomach. Adequate hydration of the body is also recommended, as it will make it easier for the kidneys to remove the contrast after the procedure. In some cases, it will be necessary to check the heart rate with pharmacological agents prescribed by a doctor. It is recommended to slow down the heart rate as too fast it causes distortion of the picture.

  1. Read more: Chest Computed Tomography

The course of a cardiac CT scan

Na CT examination with contrast it is recommended to come with an accompanying person. This is a safety measure related to the administration of a contrast agent and possible side effects.

During the examination, the patient is placed on a movable table and ECG electrodes are placed on his chest. Heart rate and pressure are monitored by the blood pressure monitor and heart rate monitor. During the operation of the apparatus, the patient is in contact with the person conducting the examination and follows the instructions given by them. Heart scan takes about 10 seconds – it is important to hold your breath during this time, which will minimize the risk of falsifying the test results by excessive chest movements.

After completing the computed tomography of the heart, you should rest for a while. Then we remain under medical care in the event of an adverse reaction of the body to the contrast. The results of the CT examination with description usually they are ready after two or three days.

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