Compost in the garden: description, practical application and result

People who are engaged in gardening and horticulture know the importance of compost. But not everyone knows how to properly prepare this type of fertilizer with their own hands. At the same time, most gardeners and amateur gardeners do not know what use of compost can be organized on their land with maximum benefit. You can learn more about all this from our article.


Many people use compost to fertilize their garden or vegetable garden with crops, fruit trees, and shrubs. In autumn, almost everyone applies this fertilizer on their land. At the same time, not everyone always understands what this nutrient mixture is.

Compost is a fertilizer of organic origin. It is formed during the decomposition of substances and products of organic origin under the influence of various aerobic microorganisms. During the creation of EM compost, additional special microorganisms are introduced, which are contained in EM preparations.

As a result of this process, a fertilizer is formed that is completely safe to use. It can be applied in the fall under any trees or bushes, without fear of negative consequences. Gardeners use it to fertilize their plantings in the summer, not just in the fall as soil preparation. In addition, there are such types of top dressing that are applied both in autumn and spring. At any time of the year, the use of this nutrient mixture will significantly improve the growth and development of plants.

It is worth noting that the use of this organic fertilizer will not hit your wallet, since it is quite possible to make it yourself from plant components. EM (a type of compost) can also be easily made at home.

A distinctive feature of EM – composting is the absence of unpleasant odors. This is due to the presence of a fermentation process, instead of rotting, as in ordinary composts. But for such an activation of microorganisms introduced by special preparations, certain conditions for vital activity are necessary. Only in this case, fermentation and fermentation will take place qualitatively and according to the desired scheme.

The composition of this type of organic nutrient mixture includes the following components:

  • inorganic nitrogen. It is included in the organic part of the fertilizer. It penetrates into the nutrient mixture of green tops, cut grass, various food residues, which gardeners and gardeners willingly take down to the compost heap. At the same time, the application does not end in the fall. During the harvest period, the compost heap can grow significantly in size;
  • carbon. Again, it penetrates into the nutrient mixture from organic residues. Its source is the bark of trees, straw. These components should be about half as much as the “greens”, which is enriched with nitrogen compounds;
  • oxygen. This component penetrates into the fertilizer from the atmosphere. Therefore, when making compost yourself, the heap should be well ventilated. Many use special containers for its production, because the material of construction must pass air well. Such structures in the garden can be installed instead of the old compost heap.

Also, do not forget that the whole process needs a certain amount of water. To sufficiently moisten the structure, it must be covered with a lid. And if the compost heap has begun to dry out, then it can be poured with water from a garden hose. Drying out of the components can negatively affect the beneficial properties of the compost.

In the process of making an organic nutritional formula, its components should be mixed manually at regular intervals. As a result of exposure to sunlight (heating) in a heap of organic matter, microorganisms begin to lead an active life, entering into biochemical contact with the components. The consequence of this interaction is the decay of organic components with the formation of high-quality and nutritious fertilizer that can be used in the garden at any time of the year (spring, summer or autumn).

Video “Cooking Em – compost”

EM technologies in the improvement of the land on your site.

What is the use?

Many people know how to use compost in the garden and the garden, but not everyone can tell about its specific benefits. The benefits of using this nutrient mixture include the following points:

  • improving soil structure, especially when fertilizing the ground in autumn and early spring;
  • additional plant nutrition;
  • loosening the soil, which increases the aeration of the soil;
  • moisture retention, so that plants do not experience a shortage of water;
  • with its help it is possible to carry out mulching;
  • as an option for weed control, as a protective layer is created on the soil surface near the plants.

The benefits of a compost heap in the fall are also invaluable. It is in autumn that the harvest time comes and vegetable waste appears in the garden. In addition, trees are pruned in the fall. All these wastes can be used to prepare high-quality and cheap fertilizer. As a result, there is no need to burn fires, and we get an ecological non-waste production.

But if you want to make EM – compost, then you will need to invest in special microorganisms.

Types of compost

To date, there are several types of organic fertilizers that you can do with your own hands:

  • peat-dung;
  • peat – ash;
  • peat – fecal;
  • peat-garbage – garbage;
  • peat – phosphorite;
  • peat – turf;
  • garden team;
  • peat – garbage, etc.

The differences between them are only in the components and their ratio in relation to each other.

Separately, it is worth noting EM – compost. Under the EM – fertilizer understand the nutrient mixture, which was formed as a result of the vital activity of microorganisms taken from EM preparations (for example, Baikal EM1). As a result of the activity of EM – microorganisms, a stable and easily digestible humus is obtained. It is formed within 2-3 months. Therefore, EM – humus is more popular, because, unlike other types of compost, the formation of which takes from up to 12 months, here the terms are 2-3 times shorter. And some species, such as peat – fecal fertilizers, will be ready only by the second year of formation.

Compost in the garden: description, practical application and result

Practical application

Compost has many practical uses:

  • fertilizer of various plantings (potatoes, vegetables, flowers, seedlings of young bushes and trees);
  • application under fallow into freshly plowed soil;
  • application for autumn and spring digging;
  • mulching beds.
  • application under autumn plowing.

Properly made compost will be an excellent fertilizer for your garden or vegetable garden. With it, you will avoid many problems and get an excellent harvest in every respect in the fall.

Video “Biopreparation “Baikal Em1”

Baikal EM 1 biological product – this video describes in detail the process of preparing the Baikal biological product, the solution of which can be used for a variety of purposes – to increase productivity, to improve the soil, and to prepare compost, and to get rid of weeds, and for a number of others, no less important tasks that face the gardener.

Biological product Baikal EM 1

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