A wine set is a non-trivial and practical gift. In order for it to please its owner and serve him as long as possible, it is very important to make the right choice. I will tell you about the composition and features of wine sets further. The complete set depends on the level of preparation of the gifted, simple practical sets are suitable for novice wine lovers.
As the review of the offers of online stores shows, the most common are standard sets of wine accessories, which (in one configuration or another) include: a wine funnel, a corkscrew, a cork-watering can, bottle caps, a flask, knives, a thermometer. The kit may include other useful little things that make it unique.
Decanters – elegant blown glass vessels that saturate the wine with oxygen, so that the drink reveals the aroma better. These devices perfectly complement the table setting.
![Composition of gift wine sets](https://healthy-food-near-me.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/composition-of-gift-wine-sets-2.webp)
vacuum stopper – is a pump that pumps air out of an open bottle to increase the shelf life of unfinished wine. Mostly used in bars.
![Composition of gift wine sets](https://healthy-food-near-me.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/composition-of-gift-wine-sets-4.webp)
Drip catcher – a neck ring that catches dripping drops. The inner surface of this accessory perfectly absorbs moisture.
![Composition of gift wine sets](https://healthy-food-near-me.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/composition-of-gift-wine-sets-6.webp)
Aerator – a device that saturates wine with oxygen. A useful item for connoisseurs of wine flavors and aromas. Used instead of a decanter.
Ring with a magnetic disk – helps to easily open or close the bottle.
![Composition of gift wine sets](https://healthy-food-near-me.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/composition-of-gift-wine-sets-8.webp)
Prices for sets of wine accessories please with variety. For example, standard branded models cost an average of 800-6000 rubles, and a set with complex laser engraving will cost from 8 thousand rubles. and higher.
Elite wine accessories are made of silver, nickel, gold, Swarovski rhinestones, semi-precious or precious stones. Golden service – wine bowls and a tray will cost 75-100 thousand rubles, and sometimes for a large amount. This gift is good for the owner of a rich interior, but not for a gourmet. Connoisseurs assure that the real bouquet of a noble drink can be felt only if you drink wine from an ordinary glass goblet of the correct shape.
A woman can be presented with a wicker basket for bottles in a fashionable country style; an experienced winemaker – horizontal stands for storing wine in cellars; champagne lover – tongs for crushing ice; the owner of the bar – a cabinet for bottles; connoisseurs of mulled wine – a set of spices, and a friend with a sense of humor – a bottle stand in the form of a funny figure.
![Composition of gift wine sets](https://healthy-food-near-me.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/composition-of-gift-wine-sets-10.webp)
Try to learn as much as possible about the person for whom you are going to buy a wine gift set. The original design and complete set of non-trivial kits make the choice unlimited.