Component of eternal youth

Component of eternal youth

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If you want to slow down aging, stay healthy, and reduce your risk of many age-related diseases, glutathione is a must. He is called the father of all antioxidants, the great detoxifier and the maestro of the immune system – and it’s all about glutathione.

Most powerful antioxidant1

Scientists have long proven that a lack of glutathione in cells is the main reason for rapid (and sometimes instant) aging. Research shows that as we age, glutathione levels in the body decrease and cells become more vulnerable to free radicals.2… Despite the short duration of their existence, free radicals can cause significant harm to the body. Due to their high chemical activity, they affect the protective cell membranes, causing the death or disruption of healthy cells.

That is why the role of a small protein molecule – glutathione – is so important in protecting the cell from oxidative damage. Glutathione is one of the main endogenous (internal) antioxidants in the body. At the same time, it restores the work of other antioxidants – vitamins C and E – after their oxidation by free radicals. Moreover, over 100 years of research, over 100 scientific works have been carried out, during which scientists have established that glutathione fights aging and maintains recovery processes at the level of every cell in our body and is able to affect almost every system.3.

American Scientists Consider Glutathione Deficiency As One Of The Most Likely Causes Of Serious Effects In COVID-19 Patients4… Since an insufficient level of glutathione leads to a combination of several unfavorable factors at once: a weakened immune response, a decrease in protection against the virus and cell damage. At the same time, taking even regular paracetamol can lead to a significant decrease in glutathione levels, thereby making it difficult for the normal functioning of the immune system.

4 vital functions of glutathione

In addition to the antioxidant defense of the body, glutathione has a number of vital functions.

Impact on the immune system. Glutathione protects immune cells from damage and can also have antiviral effects. In addition, it regulates the balance of the immune system: strengthens its functions when it is not active enough, and returns it to equilibrium when it is overactive.

Maintaining mitochondrial function. Glutathione plays a critical role in the vital functions of mitochondria, the part of our cells responsible for energy production.

Improving cell metabolism. Glutathione is essential for the production of many cellular proteins, DNA synthesis, and activation and regulation of cellular enzymes.

Detoxification of the body. Glutathione protects liver cells by helping to repair them. Neutralizes and removes almost all possible toxins, both from outside and formed during the life of cells.

American actress and host of her own show on NBC

Regular shots of glutathione have allowed me to turn back time.

In her book Eight Steps to Wellness, Susan admitted that she owes her youth to glutathione as well. She has been putting on glutathione drips once a week for years. At the same time, a course of 4 procedures per month costs her $ 3600. In detox clinics in Europe, the USA and Japan, glutathione drips have long been an integral part of detox and beauty programs.

Anti-aging no drip or injection

For glutathione to work, it must enter the bloodstream. But, taking it inside in its pure form, you will not get any benefit from it: under the influence of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, it instantly breaks down into amino acids, without having the expected effect. That is why, until recently, only intravenous administration was considered the only way to increase its level in the body. But not so long ago, American scientists found a way to get glutathione into the bloodstream without resorting to droppers and injections. They added an acetyl group (chemical formula COCH3) to the glutathione molecule, thus obtaining acetyl-glutathione (S-acetyl-L-glutathione).

As a result of this transformation, the glutathione molecule is easily absorbed, and its half-life becomes much longer. As a long-lasting, easily absorbed form of glutathione, acetyl glutathione is able to spread throughout the body, reach all tissues and easily penetrate cells, instantly increasing the level of glutathione in the body. Effectiveness of S-Acetyl-L-Glutathione Tablets not inferior to intravenous injections glutathione, while surpassing them in duration of action5.

Russia’s first acetyl glutathione

Evalar acetyl glutathione – This is the first and only6 monopreparation of S-acetyl-L-glutathione in the form of tablets in Russia. Unlike other forms of glutathione, it contains the highly digestible and stable S-Acetyl-L-Glutathione.

A wide spectrum of action and the highest quality according to the international GMP standard – this is acetyl-glutathione from “Evalar”.

Evalar acetyl glutathione Promotes:

  • slowing down the rate of aging (anti-age effect);

  • increase immunity;

  • detoxification of the body;

  • reduction of inflammatory processes;

  • improving the functioning of the lungs and liver;

  • restoration of damaged tissues;

  • antioxidant protection of the body.

And also ask in pharmacies!

CJSC “Evalar”, 659332, Biysk, st. Socialist, 23/6. OGRN 1022200553760.

LLC “Fitomarket”, 123100, Russia, Moscow, Presnenskaya nab., 12. OGRN


JSC “Research and Production Company” Katren “(, 141402 Khimki, Vashutinskoe highway, vl. 22, OGRN: 1025403638875

1 According to a study conducted by the R&D center of the raw material supplier Gnosis (Italy).

2, 3, 5 Scientific report on the substantiation of the composition and safety of dietary supplements for food Acetyl glutathione tablets 0.5 g each

4 Endogenous glutathione deficiency as the most likely cause of serious manifestations and death in patients with COVID-19 // ACS Infectious Diseases, May 28, 2020.  

6  According to the Unified Register of State Registration Certificates.



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