The film «The same Munchausen»

Judging by the abundance of compliments, you have bad news.

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The Complimenter exercise is a common task to compliment people around you. The important thing is that this should be done intensively, keeping this task in mind and using any suitable situation. If making compliments is not very unusual for you, at first you can make them in your inner speech, speaking only to yourself. It can be useful to recall a theory and, keeping before your eyes any situation suitable for a compliment, come up with several different types of compliments in writing: direct and indirect, open and hidden, compliments on appearance, on actions, on relationships …

It is easier to train compliments in the beginning in friendly companies, where people are not only disposed towards you, but know about your exercise, expect it from you and remind you of it. In this case, you can practice the “Enthusiastic Complimenter” option with the instruction: “You admire everyone and everyone, you rush to express your admiration with a stream of endless delights — or at least lush bouquets of targeted (and unaddressed, aimed at everyone) compliments.” Gradually, you can expand the boundaries of training and move on to the “Soulful compliments” option, where your task is to say something pleasant to everyone so that the person becomes truly pleased, but he would not suspect you of making compliments not from the heart, but on assignment .


The course consists of 2 parts of 6 video lessons. View >>

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