Complications of pregnancy, when to call a doctor
Expectant mothers sometimes underestimate the danger of certain sensations that should be alarming. And doctors do not always warn about them.
Firstly, you cannot warn about everything. Secondly, if you begin to list the possible risks, it will not take long and frighten an already nervous woman because of hormones so that she will start calling an ambulance for every sneeze. But some of the alarming symptoms are still worth knowing.
Light bleeding in the first trimester is generally normal. In the first 12 weeks after conception, the implantation of the ovum occurs, this process causes bleeding – light, painless, it quickly stops. However, if there is a lot of blood, and even the stomach hurts, this is a reason to call the doctor.
The fact is that such bleeding can be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy when a fertilized egg is implanted outside the uterus. This condition is very dangerous and can cost a woman health problems.
Weak fetal activity
The mother usually feels the first movements between the 16th and 22nd weeks of pregnancy. And this is not just “mi-mi-mi”, it is an important indicator of a child’s development. If suddenly the activity of the baby decreases, you need to see a doctor.
But keep in mind: while the woman is moving, the child may move and kick less. Movement lulls him, and he falls asleep. To wake him up, you can drink a glass of cold drink or eat something. If activity does not resume soon, this is cause for concern.
Sharp abdominal pain
During pregnancy, one has to deal with various unpleasant sensations, and not so rarely. However, sharp, unexpected abdominal pain is not something worth turning a blind eye to. Especially if the pain is severe, persistent, or accompanied by bleeding.
However, it is often quite harmless pain caused by the growth of the expanding uterus. But even in this case, it is not superfluous to see a doctor. He will advise on how to relieve discomfort, or prescribe a safe pain reliever.
Too strong toxicosis
Morning sickness poisons almost everyone’s life. However, sometimes toxicosis can be too severe. And then we are talking about a serious complication of pregnancy – hyperemesis. This was the case with Kate Middleton. She had to lie on IVs for a month, she was so unwell.
Vomiting several times a day, neither food nor drink is delayed – this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. There is no need to endure such a state.
Strong headache
Lack of sleep, dehydration, posture problems, stress can all lead to long and tedious migraines during pregnancy. However, severe headaches, especially in the third trimester, can indicate the onset of preeclampsia – this is a dangerous complication during pregnancy, fraught with serious problems for both the child and the mother. Two other signs of preeclampsia are pressure surges and protein in the urine.
Swelling of the face and hands
Remember what Kim Kardashian looked like during her second pregnancy? It looked like a balloon inflated with water. Big cheeks, swollen legs … Swelling in a woman expecting a baby is a common thing. But sudden swelling of the face, eyes, hands can indicate preeclampsia, and this condition cannot be ignored.
Pain when urinating
A pregnant woman is very vulnerable to infections and urinary tract infections too. If it is not diagnosed and cured in time, the disease can spread further: the bladder, kidneys. And this is not just discomfort (and you want to write 50 times a day!), But also the threat of premature birth. Therefore, the doctor should definitely tell about your discomfort.
Weight loss
Losing weight in the first trimester is not unusual. Due to toxicosis, appetite is often completely absent. But if weight gain does not start later and even starts to fall, this is a reason for additional medical tests: you need to make sure that you are not losing weight because of thyroid problems.
Blurry vision
Vision during pregnancy can deteriorate – this is a fact. Especially if there were problems before. This may even serve as an indication for a planned cesarean. Swelling of the eyes, deterioration of blood circulation can also provoke a phenomenon such as blurry vision. After childbirth, usually everything is in shape. However, this same phenomenon can be a symptom of preeclampsia or gestational diabetes. If your eyes are foggy or very swollen, tell your doctor. At the very least, you should have your blood pressure and blood sugar measured.
In the second and third trimester, this is not at all uncommon, because you have to carry not only yourself, but also 10-15 additional kilos. So in most cases, this is fine. However, if you are pestered not just by mild shortness of breath, but you are short of breath when walking, your pulse is fast, then this may be a sign of anemia when oxygen metabolism is impaired. The survey will not hurt.
Oh, this is an unforgettable feeling when at night my legs are hurting with hellish pain. Unfortunately, it is also not uncommon in pregnant women – seizures often occur due to a lack of potassium and magnesium. But in severe cases, seizures can be a sign of deep vein thrombosis. Therefore, you should always talk to your doctor about them.
Usually it occurs due to a growing abdomen – the center of gravity shifts, it becomes uncomfortable to carry oneself. And if the muscles are weak, the discomfort will be even greater. You need to monitor your posture, avoid high-heeled shoes, do light exercises – or whatever the doctor permits. But he must also exclude a kidney infection, which can make itself felt in this way.
This is the usual discharge that all women always have. During pregnancy, they can get worse due to the intense blood flow in the cervical region. However, if the discharge is uncomfortable, tell your doctor. Because it can be a fungal infection that must be treated.
Pathological fatigue
Sleepiness and fatigue are faithful companions of the first and third semesters. Doctors tend to believe that hormones are to blame. However, it can also be unhealthy diet, circulatory problems, inappropriate daily routine. Discuss your condition with your gynecologist to understand everything.
Panic attacks
Sentimentality, aggressiveness, impressionability and irritability are also often caused by changes in hormonal levels. You can cope with them, and they are not dangerous for a child. Panic attacks are dangerous. When a woman is very anxious, blood flow to the uterus is reduced, which is of no benefit to the baby. The doctor may suggest relaxation techniques, sedative therapy.
Immunity in pregnant women is often lowered, because the body has to bear a huge load. Therefore, it is much easier for them to catch an infection than for everyone else. If the temperature suddenly rises, it means that the body is fighting viruses or inflammation. The doctor must be aware of this. Not treating influenza, SARS, and other diseases during pregnancy is a serious mistake.
When the uterus grows, cramping is not uncommon. It usually doesn’t hurt and goes away quickly. Regular cramps can be a cause for concern, when the abdomen is tense for a long time, causing pain. This phenomenon may indicate the threat of premature birth.
Unusual rash
Unfortunately, pregnancy is often accompanied by acne and pimples. Again, due to changes in hormonal levels. In no case should you touch these rashes. The maximum is gentle cleansing and no squeezing. And about an unusual rash that itches, causes discomfort, you need to tell your doctor. After all, many diseases manifest themselves in this way – a rash.