Complicated mandible surgery in Bydgoszcz

Mandibular reconstruction surgery in a 40-year-old woman with fibrous dysplasia was performed on Wednesday at the University Hospital of dr. Jana Biziel in Bydgoszcz. A part of the lower jaw was cut out of the patient and a skin-muscular-bone flap was implanted in this place.

Dr. Piotr Winiarski informed that the dysplasia of the mandibular body in a woman was manifested by the growth of the mandibular bones, which resulted in facial deformation. The result was not only disfigurement, but also difficulties in eating. Bone-dressing several times did not bring lasting results.

The operation in the otolaryngology ward was performed by a team consisting of, among others, with a jaw surgeon, vascular surgeon and ENT specialist. During the procedure, the mandible was formed from a flap of skin, muscles and the fibula of the shin according to a previously prepared template, and then connected with other tissues and vessels. After the transplant is accepted, the patient will undergo a dental implant surgery.

Surgeries on the mandible deformed as a result of dysplasia – that is, abnormal cell development – have so far been rarely performed in Poland. They were carried out, inter alia, in Warsaw and Gliwice. (PAP)

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