Complex for 5 minutes: exercises for the perfect press with a photo step by step
An online fitness trainer has compiled 6 of the most effective exercises for a flat stomach.
During the quarantine, many girls in the abdomen formed a so-called “life buoy” – strategic fat reserves. Online fitness trainer Katya Weeks tells Wday readers how to get rid of excess in no time.
Each of us dreams of having a toned belly, wearing open dresses and feeling confident. First of all, the appearance depends on the food culture. Healthy and properly cooked food, plenty of clean water and a slight calorie deficit are the main secrets to being lean. Regular exercise helps you burn stored fat faster.
Performing this complex at least 2-3 times a week, after a month you will see changes in the figure. The main thing is regularity, discipline, and, of course, correct execution, which we will talk about first.
Each exercise in the complex must be performed in 4-5 sets of 40-60 seconds. The break between sets is about 30 seconds, between exercises – 60 seconds.
We all often hear: “We need to make the bar.” Why exactly her? She is one of the most effective exercises. Thanks to the work of the muscles of the whole body, calories are spent even after a while after exercise. Moreover, in addition to the superficial muscles, the deep muscles of the abdomen, pelvis and back are involved in the work – they form a graceful waist, beautiful posture and a healthy spine.
we put our palms under the shoulders, socks under the heels, bend our arms slightly, straighten our shoulders, look at the floor;
the back should be straight due to a twisted pelvis, a tightened abdomen and extended legs;
throughout the entire exercise, we try to push ourselves with our feet and palms off the floor, align the spine (the back of the head, neck, back, legs are on the same line);
we try to breathe with the lower part of the chest: on inhalation, the lower ribs expand, on exhalation they narrow, and the stomach is pulled up to the spine;
you can ease the exercise by lowering yourself on your shins.
Common mistakes:the gaze is directed forward, not downward, which causes folds on the back of the neck; the shoulder blades stick up, which indicates a weak support on the hands; the shoulders are drawn to the ears; the lower back is bent; the stomach is relaxed.
we lie on our back, bend our legs at the knees, put our palms on the back of the head. In this case, the elbows should be in sight;
on exhalation with a nod of the head, raise the shoulder blades and round the thoracic region, pulling it up through the neck and crown;
we direct our gaze between the thighs, lower our shoulders, reach the ceiling with the top of our head;
lightly press the lower ribs, lower back, sacrum and feet to the mat to better train the stomach;
with an exhalation, we try to pull the navel to the lower back, while inhaling, we go down, but not completely.
Common mistakes: weak flexion in the thoracic region reduces stress on the abdomen and increases tension in the neck; the gaze is directed to the ceiling, and not forward; hands pull the head forward, creating a jerk; the stomach does not decrease with each rise, but, on the contrary, inflates.
Back strap
sitting on the rug, put our palms under the shoulders with the elbows back, spread our fingers, bend our arms slightly;
we stretch or bend our legs;
on exhalation, pushing off with arms and legs, raise the pelvis from the floor as high as possible;
squeeze the buttocks at the top point, twist the pelvis, and tighten the stomach to the lower back. We try to stretch the whole body;
lower the pelvis to inhale, but not completely.
Common mistakes: the shoulders are drawn to the ears; the pelvis is not twisted; the neck is not stretched; the body sags, because there is no pushing yourself off the floor with your feet and hands.
Buttock bridge
we lie on our back, bend our legs, put our knees and feet at the width of the pelvis;
as we exhale, we slightly twist the pelvis and raise it. It is important to maintain extension through the pelvis and knees to one side, and through the crown of the head to the other, so that the lower back flattens and the abdominal muscles work. We control the reduction of the abdomen with each exhalation and relax the chest and ribs;
while inhaling, we go down “vertebra by vertebra”. You can increase the load by lifting one leg.
Common mistakes: a poorly twisted pelvis and raised too high overloads the lower back; uneven pushing off oneself with the feet and shoulder blades weakens the work of the abdomen and buttocks; the knees are directed away from the socks; poorly tightened stomach; the shoulders are drawn to the ears.
Side lath
we put the elbow under the shoulder, put the palm in front of us or in the diagonal, straighten the shoulders;
we straighten the leg that is on top and put it on the mat, bend the other leg at the knee with an emphasis on the lower leg;
to exhale, push ourselves with all the forearm, lower leg, inner edge of the foot and raise the pelvis;
align the body: we pull the pubic bone mentally to the chest, opening the groin and including the press, pull the sacrum towards the heel, smoothing the lower back;
push ourselves up with the forearm and legs from the floor, lengthening the neck and body as a whole. In this case, the shoulders must be lowered;
while inhaling, lower the pelvis closer to the rug, while exhaling, raise it again. You can complicate the task by straightening both legs.
Common mistakes: weak kick-off overloads the upper body; poor twisting of the pelvis leads to tension in the lower back, and not on the abdominal muscles; the shoulders stretch to the ear and the neck is tense; the head is lowered, due to which the straight line of the body is lost.
Forearm plank
The exercise is performed according to the same principle as the classic plank. Only now we are focusing on the elbows and forearm as a whole.
Exercise Technique
If there is no correct execution technique, there is no result. The abdominal muscles are the main stabilizers of the whole body. And, unfortunately, the weakest part of the body in most women, hence the problems with the back, with joints, with prolapse or prolapse of organs, with urinary incontinence and so on. Therefore, it is worth working ahead of the curve: train your muscles in advance and not wait for health problems.
A common mistake for beginners is doing the exercise with an isolated load on the abdomen. This approach will not allow you to achieve an elastic press. Fat burning is a holistic process that goes on throughout the body, and at different rates in different areas. Therefore, in training, the back, sides, legs, arms and stomach work as a whole.
Another mistake is holding your breath. It is important to breathe regularly during exercise. Inhale when you relax your muscles, and exhale when you strain.
And the last mistake is to hurry up and force the result. It is better to sit down ten times slowly and under control, but achieve beautiful forms without harming your health, than to sit down 30 times quickly and without knowledge of technology, and then complain about your lost health and lack of results.