Complete insufficiency of the pituitary gland

Complete insufficiency of the pituitary gland

Syn.: Panhypopituitarismus.

Def .: Increased or complete impairment of the production of pituitary gland hormones.

Etiol .: Pituitary ischemia due to postpartum haemorrhage (Sheehan’s syndrome), primary tumors or pituitary metastases, Langerhans cell histiocytosis, syphilis, tuberculosis, sarcoidosis.

Clinical: Skin changes:

1. risk of severe sunburn – as a result of reduced melanin production due to lower ACTH and / or MSH levels;

2. pale skin – due to anemia and reduced skin blood flow;

3. dryness and swelling of the skin; smoothing facial skin folds, shallow wrinkles around the eyes and mouth;

4. generalized hair loss (primarily axillary hair), reduced facial hair intensity in men;

5. reduction in the size of the sebaceous and sweat glands; reducing sweat production;

6. thin and brittle nail plates, their growth is slowed down.

Heal: Hormonal.

Source: A. Kaszuba, Z. Adamski: “Dermatology. Practitioner Guide “; Czelej Publishing House

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