Complementary approaches to pharyngitis
Be careful with self-medication during tonsillitis. For some, bacterial strep throat can lead to very serious heart complications. Do not hesitate to consult a doctor.
Here are some suggested solutions to fight against pharyngitis and relieve inflammation and the pain it causes.
Complementary approaches to pharyngitis: understand everything in 2 min
Until healing, it is advisable to take Argentum nitricum in 9 CH three times a day.
Moreover, if the pharyngitis begins suddenly and is accompanied by fever and severe pain, take Belladonna associated with Pyrogenium (“homeopathic antibiotic”) at a rate of one dose of 7 CH per day.
In the event of a stinging sensation in the throat, take 5 granules of Heparsulfuris calcareum in 9 CH every day. If this same pain radiates upwards when swallowing, take Phytolacca decandra in 9 CH three times a day.
For pharyngeal pain that makes swallowing difficult, take Apis mellifica.
To fight against pharyngitis, herbal medicine suggests gargling infusions (violet or marshmallow), with rosemary honey, cider vinegar and lukewarm water, lemon and salt or even propolis.
It is also possible to take herbal teas, in particular slippery elm, chamomile and / or walnut leaves. Green tea-based infusions also have virtues against pharyngitis.
Likewise, it is possible to use echinacea in mother tincture or Ribes nigrum MG (glycerine macerate) 1 DH.
Natural remedies
Magnesium chloride is a natural solution considered likely to fight inflammation and infections by stimulating the immune system, just like inhalations with a few drops of Eucalyptus essential oil in a bowl of boiling water.
Finally, hot baths with a few drops of essential oil of rosewood, Eucalyptus radiata, cloves, niaouli, rosemary and linalool thyme previously diluted together with ten times more dispersant are also a natural possibility offered. in the treatment of pharyngitis.